“One of MY very BEST Christmas Memories”

Christmas Remembered pg. 4

When “DECEMBER” comes and there are small children in the home… and they are told about a “SANTA” …. that will be coming to their home and also…  he will be bringing lots of toys to all of the good little boys and girls.

How and what do the children really think this “SANTA” is… and how in the world does he know exactly what… will make all the children in this world, HAPPY?

I just have to ask these questions, because… a hundred years ago, the small children in the home would not know…  what the children of today have, and today’s children can check out on their own hand-held cell phones and or computers… every thing they see and or hear about… no secrets and or fantasy of any kind. The children today are just too smart!

But, back in the 1940’s…  “Christmas  Day”  – 

It’s hard to be good  –  as you are told to be… and  forever waiting  –  but it  does pay off! 

My brothers received  a   red “Wagon”  –  with those high lattice panels  –  something we all enjoyed! 

My “Mom” dressed us up… so extra nice and warm,  my “Dad” took the wagon outside   –  and we all got in  –  and Daddy pulled  that wagon with the three of us  –  singing all of the “Christmas” songs that we knew and  we were having  lots of fun  –  around the block  –  again and again!

I’m guessing it finally just got too cold for us, and as much FUN and  “Christmas” energy  as Daddy had  –  going around that block  — his steam wore down  – and we all just had to call it a day… but,  to remember to do this getting in that  “Christmas Wagon” more often!

That was one wagon that was used just as often…  as we could all get dressed  and in a big hurry…to go outside and have more FUN!

Under the “Christmas tree” … I received  “ice skates”  with those double blades – but,  there was no snow  – so, I just had to wait for  a day of ice and snow.

Since “America” was still at war  –  so there were  also lots of war type related gifts   for “Santa”  to bring   – and HE sure did bring a terrific gift  to our home and just for someone like me… that loves to share and have FUN!

This was one of the very best gifts,  of all of the gifts… that I have ever received, a “Nurse-Doctor  kit”  for me!

A real good gift, that I enjoyed for a long time… since I had patients  (my brothers) – 

They needed me to bandage them from head to foot  –  and the  “cure – for – all”    – candy medicine!  

While one would be recuperating  and or waiting for a  1st class bandage job  –   there was always my little bottle of  “red hot” candy pills!

Remembering back then… No “TV”  back then,  but on “Sundays”  –  for just   “ten cents”   –  we got to go to the  “Movie Theatre”  – and watch the movies, cartoons and all those news-reels of the day! 

Also, there was a “Confectionery” on our way  to the “Movie Theatre” … and  I could buy a bag full of candy for pennies.

They  also had those long strips of paper with  lots of little dots of candy for a penny.

So you guessed it… on Sunday Afternoons…  I was the “NURSE” and Baby brother sitter … and   

There was no shortage of  “candy medicine”  for my patients!

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“We did so MUCH to enjoy Christmas”

Christmas Remembered pg.3

Sometimes in LIFE… I do believe, that we all need to think back  to our very early years … as a very young child… and start remembering just exactly… all of the most wonderful things that we did with our parents.

When you start to think back… you will start to remember …we as a family did get together  more often, and did really enjoy  doing wonderful  and learning to do more things as a family… than we do today!

I will put my answer at the end of this article… and you can let me know… if you agree, and or if you have some better ideas… regarding the celebrating of CHRSTMAS together as a family?

In the  early 40’s,  my Dad took me to the  Poultry Store  where they had, (live birds) and we would pick out that live  Turkey… to be prepared, “quickly” for us to pickup on our return  –  as we needed to head for  McConnell’s fruit and vegetable store, for some of the other ingredients needed by  my Dad… to prepare our Christmas dinner. 

All of these stores  that we went to  –  to do our  CHRISTMAS  DINNER    shopping were, within a block or two.

Today: all of these little stores are combined  together under one roof, and  under some big  “Name” Super Store!

After picking up the “Turkey” and everything that was needed  – we headed home.

All of this extra special shopping… was done in our neighborhood… and no vehicle was used… we walk and carry those items that were needed… NOW! 

Immediately  –  arriving home… my Dad  turned into an Irish elf  –  no cook book needed  –  he had  pots and pans going  – the smells and aroma were  the indication something  “special” is taking place  –  and this is going to be a most delicious meal and time for all!

Also, can not forget  that “Christmas” tree –  we all dressed warm and headed out –  there were several “tree lots” to check out and we all had to give our    “ooh o ‘s   and   ah’s”   and with the “Right Tree” –  we headed  back for  home  and in a big hurry!

My Dad knew where all the  “Christmas Stuff”  would be found – and brought the outside lights  – outside  and all the inside  ornaments and lights in to the living room.

The lights for outside were the size of a 25 watt or 40 watt  round bulb  –  and in no time at all,  he had that  “Christmas tree” and the snowball bush out side  all decorated,  and with that size bulb the  decorating was beautiful!   

Now, ready to do the inside decorating!

The best memory of all this  “Christmas” prep was that the  “Turkey”  was so big, it was the only thing,  you could put in the  “oven”  –  so when that  “Turkey was stuffed”  –   into the “oven ”   it went…  and after midnight…  it would be cooking slowly,  and as we slept –  you would think you were in “Heaven”   –  the aroma was so heavenly!

Around    –  5 a.m. to 6 a.m.   – you just had to get out of bed and see   if “Santa” came to our house? 

We all got up –  and in our time   –  back  then  – we went to the Perpetual Help Church, which was just a couple of blocks away.  

All the way to and from Church   –  wishing friends and relatives  a “Merry Christmas! ”  

 –  Back home  –  we  celebrated!


“Christmas… way back and when I was little… we did  so much more together at home… and in our walking  all around the neighborhood… including the Parks… for miles around… because we did not have “TV” to keep us  sitting in one spot for too many  long hours… not able to do and or to go for long walks with the family… and in our walks… we would visit our relatives… as so many did live  in and around the same area as we did.”

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“Christmas Time Yesterday and Christmas Time Today”

Wait! …..   Christmas is coming… and this… is that most and extra special  important part of the year …  you  just have to be good… and if you are not real good, and I do mean exactly  as … I am saying… “If you are not good”   – 

“YOU will end up  getting   a lump of “coal” in your stocking!”  

That’s no idle threat!… That is what will happen!

If you are old enough like most of the people today… 

Did you not  hear about… what you have to do to prepare for Christmas and what happens, when you are not a very good little girl and or a  real good boy… can you remember back and  hearing … anything like that… when you were a very small child?

In the early 40’s,  to heat the house, some people had furnaces that required  someone to shovel coal into that furnace  –  and getting a couple of lumps coal  in your “Christmas” stocking would  tell all of your friends   – that you were a very bad  little kid all year! 

And,  as I remember… I never  ever heard of any of my friends… ever  receiving  some lumps of  coal in their stockings… that they hung by the fireplace with care … in hopes that… good ole Saint Nick  would fill… with only good things for each of them?

Way back and then…

Those were the days when the “Mailman”  delivered mail,  two (2) times a day, and then sometimes, someone riding a bike from  “Western Union”  –  would show up with a Telegram.

And, these were not always good news! 

 Some windows  along our street had a small  oblong  “Flag” hanging with a gold star or two  –  Gold – black – blue  colors. 

I’m thinking we had one in our window, when my Dad was working aboard the ships in California.

I used to like to watch… out of our front window for the  “Mailman”   for we were  always receiving mail! 

  One  day an extra special letter  was sent to me,  it had some sand  from the beaches  –  pasted along the bottom  –  just so I would know … what the sand looked like in California. 

My Dad,  sent the mail… just special for me and said… that  they had so much sand  –  that they would not care … if I … also had some of their extra special sand?

It’s amazing how much mail,  we were receiving … way back then… just thinking, it may have been, that it was so much cheaper than calling people on the telephone… as  everyone  knows…  that is if you are old enough today …

I know that… you can remember, back to those good ole “TIMES” that there were so many  extra charges   – depending on the time of the day, you were making your telephone call…

and then the day of the week,  and most importantly … a local call … and then a call to the nearby CITY  and then the STATE and Over SEAS… as the rates had extra charges and almost all of those calls needed a “Telephone Operator” to complete for you…

The making of a telephone call was not that easy … as the charges were based on  day and and hour and if “Party” called was available at that  time … each and every time  –  morning  and afternoon and evening.

So… back then,  with the high cost of a telephone call… we did the very best  we could by sending  a letter and  or lots of cards … so  very much cheaper!

 Everybody  was sending  “Christmas Cards” with newsy letters inside  – and… would  “YOU”   believe…   they only cost……. 

 “three cents!”

“All together different  today… and so much cheaper!”

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“A Wonderful DAY to Celebrate a Birthday”

“Happy Birthday Lee Jr. and Many More Birthdays”

In Florida… little Lee would wear his “swim trunks” all most all the time or he would have a pair hidden somewhere outside so  that he and his friend, Arthur  who lived  down the street… would meet to go   swimming across the street in “LAKE MELBA”  only a seventy foot deep LAKE.

This memory  is of  Lee Sr.’s  MOTHER  and  of my MOTHER  as they were both staying at our home  and may have been  for a month or so and  then… on this particular day, maybe “NOON TIME” … Lee Sr.,  comes HOME… from one of the restaurants we operated  and with some special treats to eat…  for all of us, and while he is opening up the “goodies” for us, Lee  Sr., ask us… “WHERE IS LEE?” 

We were all sitting around the dining room table  and would you believe, “WE did not know where  little LEE… was?”  

So… I went outside and started calling LEE’s name  and not seeing him anywhere around, my husband, Lee Sr.  was awfully upset! 

Lee said loud enough for everyone in the neighborhood to hear … as the windows were all open and you know how voices can travel  especially, when you do not want the neighbors to hear, “THREE grown women sitting here  and “NO ONE KNOWS” … where “ONE” LITTLE KID is???”

Well with super speed,  Lee Sr.,  took the vehicle and started driving down the road along the LAKE  and is  calling out  and looking around the water areas  hoping to see the boys and bring them home. 

Finally,  one neighbor that lives on the LAKE side heard all the commotion and called  us,  to say, that the boys had taken one of their boats out, and they are on it.

Also… someone should come and take another boat out and pull that  one in… as the one that they  are  on, is just bobbing around, but the boys do look  to be okay???

Lee took care of getting the boys in that boat…  and then… towed in to shore, and I do believe… that everyone  in all of  the entire  neighborhood …  got the message,  that if  ever… these two kids are caught ever again  in and around those… boats call the POLICE, as Lee Sr.,  was retired POLICE and everyone in  and around Fort Lauderdale knew that  “LEE JR.” as young as he was…  just loved to be in the water and would  swim just like the fish,  and never had  any training but,  because of this happening,  with Lee Jr.   …….

Lee Sr.,  just as soon  as he could … took care of this situation… as he wanted Little Lee to know what he was doing… and did  get Little Lee  enrolled into the local “Y MAC” and  he received plenty of training in all phases of  swimming  and  that of being a  “High Dive” swimmer, too.

And  so – on this day must remember  that the most important NAVY MAN… my son, Lee Aldrich,Jr., and how wonderful he looked  as when  he was serving in the NAVY.

And just one more of “Lee, Jr. on leave from  the NAVY – for the  HOLIDAYS – only wish  that this Photo would  also have been in  full color.

But,  when it comes to the HOLIDAYS – that smile is in the best  of colors you can get – just being  NAVY – smiling all the way HOME!!

Thank YOU,  Almighty Yahweh for your wonderful protection for all of  our young people,  that will serve  this… their Country,  AMERICA … for the  “FREEDOM”  that we all share,  with  all of  our neighbors…  forever!           D.V.

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“Birthday Grettings to our Little SON Lee”

“Lucky Lee enjoys the DREAMS of LIFE”

I remember  just as if –  it where yesterday, we would go to watch “LEE”  play “Football” – every parent thinking that their son was the best and greatest,  at which  ever position he would be playing, but, when everyone would start standing up and screaming for “LEE” – as we could hear over the loud speaker, “ALDRICH running with the ball” – and all the jumping up and down – I was just so proud that “LEE was my SON” – and he was so fast at running with the ball – OUR TEAM would always WIN! 

“Hip – HIP – Hooray  for Lee and good ole number 34!”

These are just a few,  of the RIBBONS,  that I  had already posted –  but, some time,  I would like to find and collect all of the different ribbons that LEE has – from the very earliest young days of his LIFE.

When I was a little girl, I  still remember my  asking my DAD … if he could get for me, a little pony … one that I could take care of … in our back yard … and then also learn to ride that pony… when the  pony would be  bigger and strong enough  to take small kids for a ride around the block… this is where we lived in North Saint Louis… as… back in those days, so long ago… when WWII was still going on… you would see that some homes still had some  large animals  living on their property, and that they were also used for delivery of merchandise to others… living near by.

I remember my DADDY saying… that he would get me a “PONY” – and I am still waiting – but in LIFE… there does  come a day or two to start to wake up to the fact … my DAD is no longer here on EARTH… and I am too old, to be waiting for something that will no longer happen… no matter how long you wait and  or even ask for.

So I guess, that NOW,  I can stop wishing for that PONY – since I   also  did receive…  that same request from my son, LEE – so very many years ago… and fortunately, I was able to get a PONY …  for him!

Looks like it was also snowing in that DECEMBER  for Lee’s BIRTHDAY – just as it  might be doing TODAY,  it is so cold – but we are not buying a PONY, today. 

Way back and back then…

As cold as it was, LEE got outside…  to start to enjoy his “BIRTHDAY ” present – and …

I sure am glad, that I was able to take a few PHOTOS.

Later on, we moved from here,  to another area – where you could have HORSES!

So, from EARTH to the great big blue yonder – we do like to FLY!

 And so,  here we are, little “brother, Al”  is taking this PHOTO  of “BIRTHDAY BOY, LEE” – and  then – off to see the “STARS”  – and whether they will be out tonight?

Nothing like flying when you can see the “CITY” all  aglow with the CHRISTMAS”  lights on – making for so much more FUN and enjoyment  – for brothers that do enjoy doing  these things together!

“Come FLY with ME” – we will have so much FUN –  to see all the CITY and surrounding areas – trying to out do  their their selves – with more  beautiful lites  – than at any other times of the year!

May the Almighty bless all those –  that are celebrating their Birthdays this month  – with all the SNOW and excitement of the CHRISTMAS Lights – only wish more happy people could enjoy with us!           D.V.

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“The “5th’ is just a DAY AWAY”

“A #1 Favorite Birthday Party for Lee Jr.”

       “Happy Birthday…LEE”

No matter the weather…  no matter the age of the boy… when you  receive  your  “first PONY” …  you will be there no matter what it takes … to take good care  of   “Your DREAM”   come true!

This PHOTO  of  Lee Aldrich  Jr., and his best  “BIRTHDAY  PRESENT”  a  real live little “PONY” was   what I would call, “Top  Drawer”   of  all of the gifts received!

There was nothing in the world that would keep  “Little Lee”  from being outside in all of that snow and ice or even in some of the  rain… that “PONY”  was what  he  had wanted,  the mostest, in those days…  and  Little Lee… was  so LUCKY, that  he did receive the PONY of his DREAMS,  that he was NOW in Seventh HEAVEN, Snow  and or no Snow!

“Seventh Heaven” did not last too long” as you can see this PHOTO was taken in our backyard at “100 Cherbourg Drive, 63129”  and evidently  you can not have a “PONY”   in your backyard.    (that is a story for another time)

xooxxoxoxooxxoxoxoxo               xxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

This next PHOTO is “LEE” at an  even   younger age for “Little LEE”  just  sitting  there at the “Keyboard”   and   Little Lee is all registered to start  taking  his first lessons … some “basic lessons”  to learn to play  and make some real good music all the  while … playing.

This PHOTO is when we were  living in “Fort Lauderdale,  Florida” and my husband, Lee Sr., was one of the partners  in managing and running  the “TOPPERS Restaurant and Lounge” and of course,  when  they  want you and  you are  to be in on the  updating  of the  “LOUNGE”   you  will need a “PIANO”… so why not make a  ‘sweetheart’ deal … one that all  of  your FAMILY will like, such as a little something in the HOME… for  our little LEE… to learn to PLAY!

If  and that is a big “IF” … I could  always have my  own way… every  “HOME  IN AMERICA” would have a “PIANO”  for the children to learn to play.

Just as soon as the children can… and I mean early… they should start to learn  all about music … lessons… practice but, with   a serious course of study  as is  usually  the case, PIANO is  maybe good for everyone but… then, there could be some children  that would like another instrument better.

“MUSIC” It is the same as learning another language, the brain  is enhanced  immediately making for the learning ability to increase so much  and even more so, that  all  of the  other subjects taken in class at school, become easier and just does so much more for the person’s personality  in all  of  the areas of their LIFE…  and for all of  their years, for their  entire LIFE.  

Check with anyone that took music lessons early in their LIFE… learning is easier  as is those life choices…  that they will be making, and I feel  that the whole wide world  would be so much better, just to make this one serious change early in the LIFE style… for all  of the children in AMERICA.             D.V.

“Only two more days, the   “5Th”   is almost here  and a big BIRTHDAY PARTY WISH   goes out  to our most  favorite …


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