“Flying Old Glory Today”

I’m  flying   “Old Glory”  today!  When we were kids  in the 1940’s  –  you would see more  “Flags”   up and flying  –  maybe to inspire more young people to sign up  before being  ‘drafted’   –  better options.

From where I am sitting, I’m watching our  “Flag”  dance around the  flag-pole  –  such a graceful, easy , up and down   with each puff of air  –  sometimes just coming down in a  dream  like flow!  Looks like the  “Flag”  is taking a step or two that way and  sometimes all the way over and around. A lot of time is going by   –  just watching “Old Glory”  flying with her  “Majestic Wave”  to all   –  who appreciate what she stands for!

In those years  –  there were parades  in the Down town  St. Louis area   –  and my Dad would always get us and head for a good spot for all of   us  to watch!   Parades and Flags  with all the school bands  marching and playing the songs we all like to sing   –  each of the branches of service songs    –   watching all the marchers  and singing along   all of   the songs   we know and love,  we were in such a  “High Spirit”  for the   “Love  of Country”   –    making us  feel so energized!

My  “DAD”  felt that it  was his  “Patriotic Duty”  to have his   “Family”  at the parade and watch  “Old Glory” fly by!

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Favorite “1940” Toy!

While talking about the  “favorite toys of the 1940’s”   that we played with   –  have to include the “Kaleidoscope!”  Do not see them   for sale,    at any of the  stores that you would think they  should be found?

The  “Kaleidoscope”  was one of my favorite toys. Everywhere I went,  I was able to take  it  with me.  When we were small kids,  you were, ” to be seen and not heard from!”    I remember this so very well as we were house-hunting when my parents sold our house ,  during the  “WAR” years  –  not a ” smart move”   to make?  You just could not find decent housing   –  no apartments if you had small children.     Small children were the same as  “YOU” bringing a case of the   “Plague”  into  any rental housing.  Nobody wanted kids around  –  they destroyed everything!

So,  while we were  –  house hunting  –  I said,    “I’m  thirsty! ”  My father  –   SAID  –  “It’s   NOT  Thursday!”     I heard that  “Loud and Clear”  and  understood!    Keep my mouth shut!  And that’s just what I did.

I went back to the car for my   “Kaleidoscope”  –  kept my mouth shut and had  “FUN”  looking at all of  the designs every time I hardly turned  my  “Kaleidoscope!”

My brothers always had small toys they carried around with them in their pockets and when they heard,  that I was not  going to get a drink of something  –   they decided to just be quiet and not  need to be corrected in any way.  Every day  –   kids learn lessons and that was my day to learn lesson.

#1.  Do not interrupt adults when they are busy  –  no matter what!

Like I said   –  it is best to have a ” favorite toy”   with you  –   just in case you are the   “KID”   –   “to be seen and not heard from!”



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Kids Play!

Hot  weather  today! So my brain got to thinking about when  we were kids in the 1940’s   and what were   the popular toys that we played with?

Since  there was a  “WAR”  going on  –  the toys reflected the same  kind of items   used.  The   Periscope  –   this is one that we all liked  – each of us   had to have our very own!   We  carried ours with us everywhere we  were going   –  each hurrying to get somewhere the  rest of the kids could be spied on. I can not remember if the games we were playing had any names  –  but   – with the Doctor’s Kit  and the  Nurse’s Kit  –  we had to pretend to get hurt in the  “WAR”   so we could see the Doctor  and he would send us to the  Nurse,   and she had  the medicine that would heal us!

In those days you could always come up with a few pennies  –  all you had to do was walk up and down the alley in search of  “soda bottles”  that someone was too  lazy  to  return.  You could get  a nickel   or a  few pennies.   Then,  every kid knew where the “Confectionery Stores” were  –  they   had lots of  “Penny Candy.”  You  could get a nice bag full of  penny candy.

Also, they had those long strips of white paper  –  each strip of paper was full of little dots of candy.  I can not remember what they  tasted like  –  but I would pull them off  the strips of paper  and put all these little dots of candy in the empty box  that came with the Nurse’s Kit  –  so that way  I always had plenty of  “Medicine”  for the sick and dying patients.   (Those strips of paper looked like the adding machine type of paper, used today!)

It was “Hot weather”  when we were kids  –  but we were  “KOOL”    –    playing and having too much   “FUN!”

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To buy a “CAR” or Not?

Have you been   “Car Shopping”  lately?  We started out early on Saturday, and were planning on looking at  ‘cars’  at three (3) different places.

The first dealership we pulled into  had so many people there   looking and walking all around  –  they were inside  and out side  – I almost thought that they were giving something away?  Why are so many people  looking at  ‘cars’  –  surly they will not be running out of  ‘cars’ soon? After seeing the  vehicles we were looking for and getting the prices   –    we   decided to move on.

Second dealership   not as busy –  much larger operation  –  but  so very few customers, looking around?  We had to walk so much further  just to see the makes and models we were interested in  –  and when we got some  comparison figures   –  thought we may as well travel on.

Third location, so much smaller and so many more  “salesmen”  –   if you were not too careful  – you could find yourself working  with  two or more sales people?  This kind  of   scared me  –  I always thought each  “sales person”  did not want to share his customers and commissions with another  “sales person?”

We decided to play the “GAME”   of  haggling   – made an offer on a vehicle and see where it goes?    We waited and waited and finally the  “sales person”  came back with his counter deal   –  which  we just  did not want,   and gave  another deal  offer   –  and sat and waited?

Well,  it was getting late and we  were wanting to eat at one of the local restaurants  –  before their  “supper” hour   had too many customers and another  long wait for us  there,  too?

So, for the last and best offer  –  caught the  “sales person”    gave him our final  offer,   and ask him to hurry?   Twenty minutes   –  and no answer  –  so we found him and ask  “what’s taking so long?”    His answer  –  “waiting for the   “top manager”  to give his “OKAY!”     That was all we were  going for  – so we said , “we were headed for our vehicle  and we are leaving!”

The  ‘GAME’ of car buying   –  takes too long!    Cut out the  “GAMES”  and  make a deal!

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Fly the Flag – 6-14-13

Friday  –  this Friday the 14th  is Flag Day! You could have had  the “Flag”  flying since the Memorial Holiday.  When you have  and or did have  men and women in your family serve in the ‘Armed Forces’   –  I feel that it is just the  ‘right thing’  to do!

This Sunday is  “Father’s Day”   – it would be the honorable thing to do  –  and that would be to have the  “Flag” flying   for  “Father”  on his day, too!  My feelings about flying the  “Flag”   are that  you care enough in these times especially to have the  “Flag” flying  –  to show  that you care  so much for all those that  gave to you and your family the ultimate gift  of gifts  –  some gave  their  blood  and even so many   more their life.

The only reason that I am saying anything about the “Flag”   –   is that I have not seen  the  “Fag” flying in my neighborhood  and very few other places?  So,   what seems to be  the problem,  no money?   And,  that’s hard for me to believe,   because  –  The fireworks are shot off at all times of the day and night and in  the restricted areas   –   where by ordinance they are not allowed?    And,  everybody knows that the purchase of fireworks cost a pretty penny  –   just to burn  “Dollars”   –  when every town puts on a  “Free  Fireworks’ Display”  –    free in as much as that you have already paid through your    “Taxes”  –  so why not take your lawn chair and   enjoy  –   watching   your hard earned money go up in smoke?

Here,  I go again,   as a  ‘kid’  during    –   WWII   when walking down our street  –  there was a Flag  with a Star on it  hanging in our front window and almost every house on our street.   Those were the days when you did not want  to see the young man riding the bicycle  from “Western Union” with a telegram  and coming to your house!

Let’s be  more  “American”  and fly  our  “Flag”  and sing  – “God Bless America”  like  Kate Smith did   –  in the 1940’s!

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Free: New and Sweet Recipe!

Do you have the “Good Housekeeping”  issue for May 2013?  If you can get your hands on this issue  –  grab it!  The reason for getting this issue  –  the free recipe  is  from    Julianna Margulies  – who plays  “Alicia Flor rick in the  Good Wife!”

“Good Housekeeping” did an article about  “The Good Wife”  –   and on page 48 , left bottom corner tell the readers  “Steal This Sweet!”  This is  “Julianna’s  fave  macaroon recipe”     and as I was reading  that it only takes four )4) ingredients  and chocolate chips  if you want chocolate icing on top.  As I was reading how easy  this recipe is to make  –  just  had to try  it out  –  and was  so happy with  the good and sweet results.  So if you to   –  like coconut and easy recipes  –  this is the one for you to try,   now.

Another  way that I use coconut is with  “Jello”   – I add a can of  “Fruit Cocktail”   –   walnuts  and coconut.   This is the best dessert for me in the evening  and with all the ingredients  that I like   and so good for you!

Since  the “Good Wife’s recipe only takes  a portion of a can of the  sweetened condensed milk  –  you need a back up recipe  – to use the rest of the can.    My suggestion  –  as this is what I did.   A favorite recipe of mine  and for at least thirty years is  “Magic Cookie Bars”   –  so this is what I did! If you check this recipe out you will find   –  as I did  –  cut all the items   in half  since you have almost a half can of condensed milk to use.  Also I used a glass pie plate and you will find  –  this is just the right amount of dessert needed.  And all of this is so easy!

If you have a “sweet tooth”  and like something quick and easy  –  try my suggestions!    ” I’ll be right over   –  to enjoy  with  You!”

Julianna’s Macaroon Recipe. Photo by tarahnuranga I doubled this…one package of flaked sweetened coconut, 2/3 c. of flour, I can of sweetened condensed milk, 1/4 t. salt, 2 t. vanilla. I made them much smaller and cut down on baking time. I did not do the chocolate on top….sounds like overkill to me. They are fabulous and so fast and easy to make. I’m putting them in my Christmas baskets for all the neighbors.

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