“Independence Day”

Listening to radio station 91.5 FM    –  The Complete Story  –  for their  July 4th, 2013  program  – was a program that I just had to hear each time  and day   scheduled.

This year’s program  emphasized  the importance of using the correct name for  the  4th of  July    –  it’s our Independence Day   and we should be proud to say so!

In the first few minutes  a  song we should be singing more often  was performed by someone whose name I am sorry  I did not write down  but his rendition  of  America the Beautiful  –  with the  powerful words we need to sing  – “God shed His grace on thee”  – are a prayer.  The whole song and the words are  really  a prayer that as a kid,  I remember singing in grade school  –  but never  much, again?   Why  is that?

The finishing touch of the program was absolutely the best , as  it was the year before.   I just love to hear ,  “Sandi Patty” sing the  “Star-Spangled Banner!”   Her rendition  of our National Anthem is the absolute best of all singers  –  that I  have heard!  Her voice is so beautiful and she hits the notes  –    right on  –  a perfect gift from  God Almighty!

When I was listening,    the “goose-bumps”   and hair standing on end  –  just “spine-chilling”  such a wonderful voice to be able  to make such beautiful music.  I will have to make an effort to find my tapes with the above songs,  and play them more often!

God Bless America  and all  of   your people  who  sing  praises  to your Name!

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“Happiness is …”

“Happy is as Happy does”  – is the way I  feel when I am doing something for someone  that I know is wanting what I can do to help them! It seems to be that so many  are saying that they  are not “HAPPY” which makes me try to figure out  – why not?

Did you feel  “HAPPY”  when you are doing your every day activities?  Are you  “HAPPY”  when you walk into your place of employment? When you are on an outing with friends and this is suppose to be a  “FUN” time, are you alone in your thoughts and thinking  –  why in the world did I sign up for this mess   – I am so unhappy! How about at home with your family?  How are things with the children? What is your mood when your husband comes home? Does he give you strange looks  – his day at the office  was the worse he has  had in a long time and he is getting ready to explode! So many questions and no quick answers?

“Happiness”  is something that you can not take hold of. You can not possess it   as if you could take ownership  and feel   “HAPPY”  all the time!

To be “HAPPY”  – you will find that you have to give to another.  To be doing something for another. Be always thinking and following through with doing something that will  bring  “Happiness” to another. When you give from  the  “HEART”   – without giving it a second  thought  – you will fnd you are so  “Happy”  – others will notice and start asking you  “Are you Happy?”   “How can I get to be “Happy”  like you?”

“Happy is as  Happy  does!” 

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Happy 4th of July!

“God Bless America!”    If only we could  remember the hardship our   “Fore-fathers”  went through just to get this  “melting -pot”  of people to join together  –  to unite under one  “Flag”  and one     “God”    with the understanding that if we follow the commands of    “God”   –   we would  increase with the promise of    abundant blessings for all “Americans!”

As a kid in the “good old days”  I remember “Kate Smith” singing    “God Bless America”    like no one else could do!  On the radio station   “KMOX”  and at 12 o’clock noon,  Kate Smith  would sing,   and as a kid I would join her.  That is when I would belt out as loud and as strong as  I could sing  –   so everybody could hear me.  Every military song   that I heard in those  “WAR Years” – I sang with all the power  that I could muster up  –  and today  –  when   I   TALK ON THE TELEPHONE  – MOST PEOPLE SAY    “yes sir”  – my voice is as deep as “Lauren Becall’s!”

If you did not get your American Flag –   out and hanging for all to see and give     Thanks to Almighty God  –  that we still live in the land of the  “Free”  and are a “God fearing people”  –  a country  ready  to help all people that are in need!

Let us never forget   all those who gave the ultimate gift:  all the Service  Men and Women   who gave their life for our  “Freedom”  – that which we enjoy “TODAY!”

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“Love” in Early Childhood!

One thing I remember  my Mother saying more often than  any thing else was, “the first seven  (7)  years of a child’s life   –  are the most important!”   My Mother  wanted to be a Kindergarten Teacher, more than any other profession of work,  but due to being the  “13th”   and last child  – her parents having money wanted her to be with them and to take care of them in their old age.

So,  I was  “lucky” to be able to spend as much time with my children  in their   “formative years”  –  something  that today’s parents do not  all find to be that important to the  job of rearing children.

One of the first  activities  my children wanted to participate in was “Cub Scouts”  – and of course  there was a need for “Den Mothers”  so that all the boys wanting to join  would  have a “Den”  and a place to meet!  We were lucky to  have a large “Florida Room”  and a large conference type table  for all the    “Cubs”  to sit at and be albe to work on their projects.

I  would go to different businesses and ask for items that would be useful for my group of boys to make their projects,  and with as much as I could bring into  our  home for the boys to use  – we were saving the boys a lot  of money that could be use more wisely. We also provided each boy with their own  large box so  that all of their  items they were working on could always be left as they wanted them – until our next meeting date to finish or continue  and finish.

We, as a group in our uniforms would take tours of large businesses  – and usually each boy would receive something from  each tour as a remembrance.


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Bring Up Children with Memories!

When you put some short notes  in a regular location and then have to move everything out of the way for workers  –  it is just like stirring up all  of the little brains that you have into a grand mixture of thick soup.  How do  you find the special notes you were going to use for  the next time you write?

Anyway, without my  “notes”  wanted to give my opinion on keeping in touch with your children from the day you bring them into this world to  the day you feel  your children can continue on  –  doing all that you trained them to do for themselves, only now on their own or if getting married with their own life partner  –  forever!

As  my boys  started school,  they were always bringing home papers to be filled out by a parent, and  these were always to join up  your child and also,  will  you as a parent sign up to volunteer some of your time and help?

Since our last name starts with the letter “A”   – I was invited to help with almost all school activities.  The best part of the deal I was there to see what my children were doing and glad to get to know my son’s friends.  This always helped me to know when my son would be talking about someone and mention a name  – I knew exactly who they were talking about, and from what I saw and heard when at school and doing  my part to help out  – I had a pretty good idea  whether or not what I was hearing in a second hand information way , would be consider half-way correct or not?

The best part of being a helper for the “class-room” of children that your child is part of   –  is the wonderful memories you are putting in your computer brain –  to savour  so thoroughly   –  when you have grand-children and are saving more memories!

Memories go with you forever  –   here,  now  –   and in the life to come!

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