“Independence Day”

Listening to radio station 91.5 FM    –  The Complete Story  –  for their  July 4th, 2013  program  – was a program that I just had to hear each time  and day   scheduled.

This year’s program  emphasized  the importance of using the correct name for  the  4th of  July    –  it’s our Independence Day   and we should be proud to say so!

In the first few minutes  a  song we should be singing more often  was performed by someone whose name I am sorry  I did not write down  but his rendition  of  America the Beautiful  –  with the  powerful words we need to sing  – “God shed His grace on thee”  – are a prayer.  The whole song and the words are  really  a prayer that as a kid,  I remember singing in grade school  –  but never  much, again?   Why  is that?

The finishing touch of the program was absolutely the best , as  it was the year before.   I just love to hear ,  “Sandi Patty” sing the  “Star-Spangled Banner!”   Her rendition  of our National Anthem is the absolute best of all singers  –  that I  have heard!  Her voice is so beautiful and she hits the notes  –    right on  –  a perfect gift from  God Almighty!

When I was listening,    the “goose-bumps”   and hair standing on end  –  just “spine-chilling”  such a wonderful voice to be able  to make such beautiful music.  I will have to make an effort to find my tapes with the above songs,  and play them more often!

God Bless America  and all  of   your people  who  sing  praises  to your Name!

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