“A Wonderful Garden For Everyone to Enjoy”

If you enjoy and like to be  where the BEAUTY of Summer is available to see everyday as you are driving to work and or to School or even  if you want to just exercise those legs,  by taking a walk in the Neighborhood … you will think that you are now walking in the prize GARDEN … of some very Wonderful friends of yours!

and... as I walk by this  wonderful manicured GARDEN…

Just start thinking that I would love to have a “Green Thumb” that just makes magic take place in my backyard… but  I know that when I see the above photo… this has had to take hours and years of time including some  very hard work and strain on  ones’ body …

Just to set up and arrange everything into the one spot that will  show off and display each beautiful plant … so that all  “Visitors” that are viewing for hours and even taking photos…  to maybe copy and do for themselves… someday,  at their own homes…

Just so fast as one  begins  to think of the  many hours  to be spent… they give up… that wishful wanting  in their heart of a most wonderful world of BEAUTY… something that  for always…  we will forever all  keep dreams of having.

BUT… and just in case you wanted more information as I did…  on the selection of the  “Crape Myrtle” as I do not have a “Green Thumb”… only wished that I did for the last hundred years… check out the following… as I did.

and… Just have to include my THANKS to Brother Tommy… as he does have  that  “GREEN THUMB”…

I think that when you have to dig holes in the ground to put little seeds into those holes… with the hopes that something will grown… those holes in the ground pass the word… on to all of the available ground that you will touch…

and they paint your thumb green… just so that they know “WHO” it is that is digging.

Just… for the LIFE of ME…have to add the above PHOTO of Little Tommy and Rose…

Just in case… you never thought that there is anything in the planting of  seeds… that will someday grow into wonderful  and beautiful flowers for all to enjoy and then dream of having in their homes on display… for  when Company comes over… It is almost like living in Heaven on Earth.

I just have to say that because… at the end of  your WORK DAY… You can just sit back and rest in the very lovely GARDEN that you were able to create for all in the world to also join  you in seeing and believing that when you want to take a rest from all the cares and worries of this world today…

You can just stop and think… that all that you were able to do and help create… all that will please the eye… and  then… your sense of smell begins to breathe in new perfumes that only can come from these new creations that are now blooming in the Garden in  all and around your home

“What a wonderful world to have and enjoy… if only everyone would think this way…I guess that would be called Heaven!”   D.V.

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National Yellow Pig Day on July 17th honors the unique attributes of the number 17 and its significance to mathematics. 

If you don’t think the number 17 plays any role in our lives, consider these facts:

  • The number 17 is a premium number in the arena of prime numbers. Add the first four prime numbers together, and 17 is their sum.
  • The average school bus weighs 17 tons with passengers inside.
  • Each of the following words has 17 letters:
    • interdisciplinary
    • telecommunication
    • misinterpretation
    • commercialization
    • electrophotometer
  • The atomic number of chlorine is 17.
  • Pebble Beach has a specific road known as the 17 Mile Drive along the Monterey Peninsula in California. However, the exact length of the road is 16.78 miles.
  • The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gave the citizens of the United States the right to elect their senators by popular vote. Before the states ratified the amendment on April 8, 1913, each states’ legislatures would elect the senators to Congress.

Look for the not so random occurrence of the number 17.  Look!  Yellow pig!

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalYellowPigDay

Brush up on your calculus and round up your yellow pigs. Look for the number 17. It’s everywhere!  While you’re celebrating, be sure to post on social media using #NationalYellowPigDay.


Our research found National Pig Day originates sometime during the early 1960s. Two mathematicians by the name of Michael Spivak and David Kelly were analyzing the random properties of the number 17 and a mysterious yellow pig. It seems the process became excessive and professional. Kelly gave lectures and taught classes around Yellow Pig, and Spivak made publications in several mathematics texts. While not based upon it, Spivak does subtly reference the number 17 and Yellow Pig.

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If you feel extra lucky on July 17th, it might be because it’s National Lottery Day! Celebrate the way lotteries contribute to local and state programs.

Lotteries date back to the 15th century. While early lotteries funded village needs by feeding and clothing the poor, they also strengthened defenses. According to Random Riches author, Manfred Zollinger, one of the oldest lotteries dates back to 1441 in Bruges, Belgium.

In early lotteries, merchants paid for the chance to win money prizes. Often, the grand prizes included the tax farm on the wijnscrooderschap (wine transporters). These early Renaissance lotteries granted one grand prize winner the opportunity to own the tax farm. Their winnings also included quality control of the wine. There’s no question, merchants gained a lucrative position if they won this lottery.

In the United States, early lotteries paid for cannons during the American Revolution. Lottery money also paved roads up and down the East Coast. Today, states own and operate the lotteries. The funds they gather support government programs and the communities they serve.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalLotteryDay

The day encourages local and state lotteries to offer special promotions on July 17th. Celebrate the contributions provided by lotteries in each of their regions. Watch for promotions in the lottery nearest you.  Use #NationalLotteryDay to share on social media.


Massachusetts State Lottery founded National Lottery Day in 2018 to provide consumers with a day of special promotions for lottery products. Since selling their first ticket 1972, the Massachusetts State Lottery has been an essential source of unrestricted local aid in the Commonwealth.

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed the day to be observed on July 17th annually.

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“Happy Birthday Aunt Irene…from ALL the FAMILY”

“Aunt Irene – Celebrating…”

Tom's WD 001

Aunt Irene is in the center of this picture… and she looks so good  and so “HAPPY”  and when you are “HAPPY”   and with  your FAMILY …

Let’s just pretend that the above picture is the   “way”   we all look today  and we are all  just so “HAPPY” to be  wishing our good Ole  Aunt Irene … a great big…  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

Put on your “HAPPY” face…  everyone… and Celebrate!

As I was looking at this photo…  it just came to me… since we are all living  in a “TIME” and “SPACE”  type of world … and TODAY… there are so many “experts” selling programs… that “You can have …right   NOW”… whatever you desire… just by thinking  “it” into being Real…Right and NOW!

So…suppose we all  try their  program out… as we did  enjoy liking the “way” …  that we all did look… back in that day… when we were  so much younger… and had all  of that  “whatever” it takes to charm  the world…   and  “NOW” …we could  in some  way… make a  genuine copy of that  good  old but wonderful “being” …  for a future “TIME”…  for just maybe even today,  or for and when  and maybe we hit “80 or even “90” years of age  …

You  all know… those years when all of  us youngsters … find something happening as it seems that… the old body starts to sag and drag… and sometimes the old body  just does not want to  do any more BIG TIME  celebrating…  as it seems that it just can not keep up with the NEW TIMES …

Just  because… some of  the  young feeling of celebrating … just decided to give up and revolt …  on  our now being an  old senior oldster… which sometimes happens  as we start to think about the “GOOD OLD DAYS”…  so it seems that everything  is now  falling  in the line of   good, and being  happy  with lots of “FUN” … just gave up and went!

“Where did “it” all go… and in such a big hurry?”

Well…  now, with photos …  that is what I am doing.

It … has been  and is the “week” to  CELEBRATE   if ever there was a week to do some celebrating…  the birthday of   our  “Aunt Irene Brady Riley.”

 So the best way is for me and family and friends  to  now see   “Aunt Irene”   with  all of her FAMILY and FRIENDS… and  to remember the best part  of this happy occasion is to  start to enjoy  with one another…  our re celebrating an occasion… where everyone is dressed so  nice and  having “FUN” …   because soon …  everyone will be having   “cake and ice cream”  and those are  the “FIRST”  ingredients for a  very  HAPPY and extra Special…   “BIRTHDAY PARTY!”

“Happy Birthday”… “Aunt Irene!”

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National Wrong Way Corrigan Day on July 17th commemorates the transatlantic flight of an Irish-American stunt pilot from Galveston, Texas. Douglas Corrigan (January 22, 1907 – December 9, 1995) gained notoriety for an unplanned transatlantic flight to Ireland on July 17, 1938. 

Growing up as a boy, Douglas Corrigan’s fascination with flight was not uncommon. Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight may have been the most impressionable moment in his young life. In 1938, the young stunt pilot flew from his home in California to New York. Upon his arrival, he asked for permission to duplicate his hero’s historic flight. Unfortunately, the flight service quickly denied his request due to the age of his 1929 Curtiss Robin aircraft. 

With only a magnetic compass, Corrigan advised officials he was returning to California. According to the story, after takeoff, cloud cover prevented Corrigan from accurate navigation. When Corrigan dropped below the clouds hours later, he saw nothing but water. Then Corrigan realized his navigation was off. Despite the confusion, he continued on his journey. Surprisingly, 28 hours later, he landed in Ireland. 

Corrigan’s story of his flight never faltered. Despite accusations that he secretly planned this flight, Corrigan held fast to his original explanation.

After the Flight

The wayward pilot wrote about his misadventure in his memoir, That’s My Story. While out of print, you can find a few copies for the right price. Corrigan also received a movie deal and soon played himself in The Flying Irishman. During World War II, he tested bombers. After the war, the stunt man toured the country with other familiar war heroes in parades. As the notoriety died down, Corrigan settled into a quiet life with his wife and family. Occasionally fame would catch up to him again when Corrigan would run into a reporter who wanted to question the veracity of his story.  

HOW TO OBSERVE #WrongWayCorriganDay

Explore the history of transatlantic flight and more stories like Douglas Corrigan’s. Watch The Flying Irishman or visit an air museum. Use #WrongWayCorriganDay to share on social media. Explore these other 8 Amazing Firsts in Flight, too!


National Wrong Way Corrigan Day originates with the date Corrigan left New York in 1938. The first celebration took place in 1987 when Long Island commemorated the 49th anniversary of Corrigan’s flight. The city hosted a parade in honor of the 80-year-old pilot. The celebration was given the name “Wrong Way Corrigan Day.” In 1992, Corrigan’s hometown of Galveston, Texas, also proclaimed Wrong Way Corrigan Day. They chose the date of January 22nd, celebrating their hometown hero’s birthday.  

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“Starting to Sing Happy Birthday Aunt Irene”

“Aunt Irene Riley Birthday… almost here”

It sure is good to be able to remember … Birthdays of the  rich and famous “RILEY”  FAMILY  whether they are here and  or where ever…  they may be.

“How is this PHOTO of the “RILEY’s”  in the lap of luxury   in the 1960’s…  that is “IRENE”… herself,  on the left and “BILL” on the right…  there is “company”  could be celebrating something…

As we can see some  ‘shoes’  of someone on the sofa… and between the “NEWS of  the DAY”  on the  new  “TV” and  what you can read in the “newspaper” …  what an exciting… “LIFE for RILEY” … or what  more would you  want or expect?”

NOW… let us compare the above PHOTO…

To the PHOTO  below…  this could be from that very  old time  and  the very same “MOVIE” …

“my oh my…o” … WOULD these be the very same  old  cast of actors or the real  “McCoy”  family?

That is …”AUNT IRENE” on the left  with… her  little apron on as she is still on “KITCHEN DUTY” …

They may have had the first course  and are making room for dessert…  (one thing that I know for sure … Aunt Irene could out cook and bake  better than anyone… she did know all about having the food just right… oh well… may as well…  just say so here…  when she prepared anything…  it was the BEST.)

I know … “It was fit for a KING”… as  that … there was never a complaint… everyone always wanted more of all the “GOOD EATS” … and only sang her praises… as they were always  made by the best chef…everything was always … TERRIFIC!

This must have been the “RILEY” theme …“BILL”… himself … always sitting on the right side…  that way  there was never a question about… “who dun it” when something was ever out of place…

There is something about that “old saying” … “A place for everything… and everything in its place” … adds up to never having any  discouraging words.

That is one way to be  a very HAPPY  FAMILY …  forever!


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