“Happy Birthday Aunt Irene…from ALL the FAMILY”

“Aunt Irene – Celebrating…”

Tom's WD 001

Aunt Irene is in the center of this picture… and she looks so good  and so “HAPPY”  and when you are “HAPPY”   and with  your FAMILY …

Let’s just pretend that the above picture is the   “way”   we all look today  and we are all  just so “HAPPY” to be  wishing our good Ole  Aunt Irene … a great big…  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

Put on your “HAPPY” face…  everyone… and Celebrate!

As I was looking at this photo…  it just came to me… since we are all living  in a “TIME” and “SPACE”  type of world … and TODAY… there are so many “experts” selling programs… that “You can have …right   NOW”… whatever you desire… just by thinking  “it” into being Real…Right and NOW!

So…suppose we all  try their  program out… as we did  enjoy liking the “way” …  that we all did look… back in that day… when we were  so much younger… and had all  of that  “whatever” it takes to charm  the world…   and  “NOW” …we could  in some  way… make a  genuine copy of that  good  old but wonderful “being” …  for a future “TIME”…  for just maybe even today,  or for and when  and maybe we hit “80 or even “90” years of age  …

You  all know… those years when all of  us youngsters … find something happening as it seems that… the old body starts to sag and drag… and sometimes the old body  just does not want to  do any more BIG TIME  celebrating…  as it seems that it just can not keep up with the NEW TIMES …

Just  because… some of  the  young feeling of celebrating … just decided to give up and revolt …  on  our now being an  old senior oldster… which sometimes happens  as we start to think about the “GOOD OLD DAYS”…  so it seems that everything  is now  falling  in the line of   good, and being  happy  with lots of “FUN” … just gave up and went!

“Where did “it” all go… and in such a big hurry?”

Well…  now, with photos …  that is what I am doing.

It … has been  and is the “week” to  CELEBRATE   if ever there was a week to do some celebrating…  the birthday of   our  “Aunt Irene Brady Riley.”

 So the best way is for me and family and friends  to  now see   “Aunt Irene”   with  all of her FAMILY and FRIENDS… and  to remember the best part  of this happy occasion is to  start to enjoy  with one another…  our re celebrating an occasion… where everyone is dressed so  nice and  having “FUN” …   because soon …  everyone will be having   “cake and ice cream”  and those are  the “FIRST”  ingredients for a  very  HAPPY and extra Special…   “BIRTHDAY PARTY!”

“Happy Birthday”… “Aunt Irene!”

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