“Let’s Give THANKS for Family and Friends”

“Home Sweet Home”

This is the season to start thinking about “HOME!”

Everybody has a “HOME” somewhere, sometime? Men need a place to throw their “HAT” and women need a place to call all their own, with ideas of making it just the most perfect place for their family.

Cannot leave out all  those who may  and or may not want a “Home” – they will  always want to  just be on their own, so as to be more independent than the rest of us, but…  at this time of the year… something inside is saying to them, “Well here you are again, all alone, nobody wants me, I’m just not close enough  anymore … to  any of my  own old family … so as to even  be invited to their “HOME” to celebrate…  only the best ‘Thanksgiving Dinner” with my LOVED ones?

“I’m a thinking… that I will need to make some changes and in a hurry!” “I  really do want to be with other people, but it has just been too long… what  in the world  can…  or…  what will I do?”

We, who have received so many wonderful gifts from “Almighty Yahweh” need to take stock of our families and remember those,  those old and now so  lonely… who have left our family for one reason or another?

We members of broken up families,  that have not seen and not heard from some of our good old family…. will have to do something that  we should have done a long time ago… start remembering  that we  were and are so kind to strangers… that it is NOW high time we remember our hurting family.

With some prayers for our guidance,  we need to start  remembering  those of our family and consider forgiving and forgetting some of the petty differences, and call our forgotten members to join us …  in this season of giving ‘Thanks’ for just being able to share  with our LOVED ONES … just one more time, as a good  family, should!

 Every family has someone that is in need of a very special call, now!  So often you hear someone say, “Wish I would have given “SO AND SO” a call, if I did this would not have happened to them!”

Let us not  live with those kinds of guilt feelings for the rest of our life – wishing – could of – should of – if only, I could  and or would have made a call  to enjoy this Thanksgiving Day with more of our family members … do not feel like … kicking  yourself?”

“Time is of the essence – It’s now or never – The clock is running – It’s never too late for LOVE – Show that you have … that which  it takes – Are you a Man or a Mouse?”

Two weeks till “Thanksgiving” – so when you celebrate this year…  let’s hope we hear everyone around your table exclaim, this surely is … “HOME SWEET HOME!”

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“Last days’ events happen quickly. Even suddenly.”

In the Twinkling of an Eye

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 “Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed.”
I am having a time shortage crisis. It seems that life is just rushing by at 100 miles per hour. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all that demands to be done. 
Ours is probably the only house in the area that still has a pumpkin on the porch and no Christmas decorations up. There are only two weeks left until Christmas and I don’t have any gifts – but who cares because we don’t even have a tree to put them under yet. I am behind at work, there are dishes in the sink and laundry to be done. 
These things all seem so important. But often in the hustle and bustle of the busiest season of the year you may find you are missing things that you will never again have the chance to experience.
Tonight I was reminded of this as I entered our small-town grocery store. While rushing in to grab something for dinner a man passed me in the parking lot and said, “Look at the sunset! Just a few minutes ago it was beautiful, but it is already fading away.” Glancing up I took in the vanishing remnants of the pink sky and sighed. With all the rushing around I had not taken the time to enjoy the blush of the setting sun and now I had missed my chance. “What else am I missing as I strive to accomplish all that is on my checklist?” I wondered.
Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby on Christmas. That day came suddenly when most weren’t expecting it. In fact, most people missed this important event. Maybe they were rushing around getting pumpkins off their porch and decorating for their next holiday season. Whatever pressing matters they had on their agendas, the never-ending list caused them to miss the star in the sky and the baby in the manger. The moment passed and they had missed their chance.
There is another day coming in the future when Jesus Christ will return to the earth. That day will also come suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye. Those who have accepted Christ as their Savior and are trusting in Him will be ready. Our temporary bodies will be changed so that they will be perfect and fit for eternity. Death will be conquered and we will live forever in heaven. But what about those who are caught up in the rush of everyday business and have not taken the time to get right with God? What will all the hustle and bustle be worth if they miss the Lord’s return because they were too busy?
There is a time shortage crisis for everyone – it never ends. So in the midst of all that needs to get done, make sure you don’t miss the things that you will never again have a chance to experience. Take time to enjoy a beautiful sunset before it disappears. Speak to a neighbor or friend about God’s plan of salvation. But most importantly make sure you are ready for the Lord’s return. It could happen in the twinkling of an eye!

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“Americans Need Love and Respect Today and Always”

Today requires a Declaration!

In the times that we are in “TODAY” – one must stop sitting on the fence, as is said by so many… because the “TIMES” require that we declare just exactly where we stand!

If you want to find the correct word and  that message that True Believers,  in my book…  you will have a BIBLE and start reading  Deuteronomy and also a chapter in the New Testament until you have discovered…  that something… in your heart that starts shifting gears in your LIFE … you as you walk with your Creator…helping you to see where changes need to be made… and you have the ability to help to pass the good word on to others.

So… as I am doing  as…  that which is written in the above…in my BIBLE… I have found, something that I like and want the whole world to look it up and see if they agree with this verse… “Yahshua 24:15, but as for me and my house we will serve  Yahweh”

Never before have I seen…  “people cut off their nose… to spite their face?

In reading the Bible, there are passages of mother against daughter – son against father – and today that is exactly what you see and hear  in newspapers and TV programs – everything is aimed at driving the family life as we used to know it – to now just having a house full of people who do not know or want to know… who is living under the same roof.

It seems to me… that there is a household of total strangers and that is supposed to be a  family, but… what for?  It seems that the government  is at fault trying to give money out… without  checking the way the “Forefathers”  used the Laws as set up in the Bible for a family?

So … it seems that, all of those totally unrelated members, can receive a tax deduction,  (which is very little… and does not really give to those  that are in need of a much better life … when they really need  it ) … so in this mixed up way of helping … it would be better to change these old regulations for something,  that is really good for all Americans … instead of this  unfair way  being a “so called family?”… Who is fooling “WHO?”

If we just change the “TAX CODE” … so that the tax charged is the same for everybody… who could complain?

Let it be charged on consumption of merchandise? That way a man can marry a woman and they can create a family of their own sons and daughters.

Also, why can we not worship our Creator, as we always did before? I respect you and your choice for how you and your family follow the “Laws and Commandments in the Bible” … and if you would kindly respect me in the same manner as all of us…  on this earth wish to be respected, when it comes to “LOVE” of “Country and Creator” in other words… I just call that… “Love your neighbor as YOU would wish… that your neighbor show  LOVE to  you.”

“As for me and my household we will serve Yahweh and Country by loving our neighbors!”    Amen!     D.V.

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“Time and Tide… Wait for No MAN”

Are you missing something?

When I was a little girl, and that’s been a long time ago, it seemed to me that “TIME” just stood still.

I can remember sitting on benches with some of my little friends, and we were talking about, “How long do we have to wait for supper?”  We also were saying, “The clock just is not moving…  how do ‘we’ get the clock to move faster?”

It was as if we did something, or maybe could  we even try to do something, that “TIME” would  then move faster and we could have had  … something to do?

When you are little, and I’m guessing this goes for all little “SMART TIKES” – that’s  being in the class of “SMARTY- PiE” … that we thought, that we were in – and we had  to do our part, to get the world to move faster?

So now, I’m putting my foot  down on the “BRAKES” of time – we need to slow down  ole MAN “TIME” – it’s going too fast… I cannot keep up with what I need to get done  in one (24) hour day!

I find myself complaining about things that are not getting done, especially since I am either too slow… too old or the day is  just too fast!

There is so much that I  feel that has to be done… right NOW– stuff that I want to read, and if I take time to just sit and read – the day is shot – all gone?

And, I have a whole list of  other stuff, which just has to wait for another day… hopefully a longer day or a faster me? In reading something that just seems to be what I needed to read…  is inspiring me to stop complaining about what I cannot change and think about the blessings that I have received, and ask blessings for everybody and everything that is requiring more time than which,  I can give at this  time!

“In other words realize that as one gets older, one must also learn to slow down.”

Today, we are on a very fast  journey, which is turning into a “rat race” – and the “body” being used today…  has already used up the best of its energy…  a long time ago.

So, I am doing a better job, or so, I do hope… because I am “blessing” everyone around…  as I go on my walk each day, I’m  finding…  that by “blessing” everyone that I meet each day, that is on my daily rounds – I feel like I have more energy and strength to get more done each lovely day  –  even more so…  than in the past.

I just “LOVE” blessing everyone as I go – You know that…  and  do try to remember… that… “what you say is what you get back” – and getting  a return of all those “BLESSINGS” … previously given in LOVE …to others…is the best part of this  earthly journey!”

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“Music Moves Mountains”

When I first heard “Sandi Patty”  sing this song, the “Star Spangled Banner”… I  just had to buy this recording … just so… I could hear it as often as I needed for, and especially  for our Holidays…

For as long as AMERICA is still AMERICA… and  for all the citizens of America… that  also LOVE AMERICA… and to always remember … that we  do have “FREEDOM” in AMERICA… because so many good men and women fought and  some even gave their lives for that Freedom … that…we now enjoy!

So… sit back and… enjoy!

If you are old enough, to remember back to the 1940’s…you may have seen the movie, that the above song, “GOD BLESS AMERICA” was introduced in,   and sung by “Kate Smith”… a voice, that truly gives this song … that special power of  being  a “PRAYER”… as it was meant to be!

In addition to that… and as I remember at “NOON TIME” everyday on our radio station K.M.O.X.,  we would hear “Kate Smith” sing “God Bless America”… and just that daily reminder… letting  all of American know,  that our American troops were “over there”… fighting  that “WAR” to finish all WARS!

Just those few words… “OVER There” another most  popular song … that we would all sing…

“This is one of those songs, that we kids would sing and sing…and never ever will be able to forget… as we Americans at HOME were all  NOW…doing our part to do without… so that we could send to those, all those…  that  were  “OVER THERE”… that they would have, all that they needed to do that job of ending this “WAR”… and  would soon be HOME … with their families…again!

“May all AMERICANS, that  can remember the good  that we were sendung  to those  in all branches of the SERVICE, that were  NOW serving  “OVER THERE”   and because,  of all that they were NOW doing for all  AMERICANS … all of us… and  as we continue to work together… so that we will never  ever have  to give up so many young men and women to die  in “WARS”for  AMERICANS… FREEDOM … Forever!

and as it was from the MOVIE…

just the BEST!

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“AMERICA”…”Do Not Forget OUR Veterans”

“Never Ever Forget our Veterans – Our Family”

“Bless all those we LOVE… Our VETERANS”

“You’re…  in the NAVY… NOW –  NOW… hear this!” 

My son, Lee is A #1 in my book –  my Thanks and PRAYERS for Lee and the whole crew that were with him aboard the U.S. Ranger… as their SERVICE was the best   and like all Moms across the NATION… it is WONDERFUL… that your  Son is able to return HOME!”

“Next going back in time… my brother,  Tom McClarren… the “Paratrooper” … he just LOVES… to fall out of a perfectly good flying… nice and high… Aero-Plane…just so happy that TOM was able to make it back to the STATES… he was in service in GERMANY … when “Elvis” was stationed  there… those were the days!”

“This is my brother, Denny Jr.,  and he has that “million dollar smile” …  this PHOTO is with me  and he has the best shade of red hair and freckles  that came from   the Irish side of our FAMILY … was stationed at  “Red Stone Arsenal” … but, in this PHOTO Denny is on leave for the “HOLIDAYS”   and there I am with a ‘tidbit’  of something in my hand to eat!”

“This is a very old and well worn PHOTO of my “DAD”  –  Denny H. McClarren Sr. –  this PHOTO was still in his wallet – when he passed away –  so it did get lots of wear and tear – “Daddy”  was stationed in the  PHILIPPINES” –  and he did sign up for three… two-year terms, and in his last sign-up  term… was injured… and sent home.”

Here is a very old PHOTO – and of my husband, Lee’s … brother Al E. Aldrich .

Al  served in  “AFRICA”  when they were running around in those  “tanks”  and from what I heard, surprised that he was able to live through the mess…  of fighting that was going on back then.

“This is TOM Aldrich and ….  In the 1960’s… when Tom was in the Army – the K-9 group – he was in HEAVEN – he just LOVED  training and working  with dogs… he had special communication skills, with animals and the DOG   was the best  place for his talents to be used.   

  This is  a very young TOM and his  “WAR DOG, SHANE” 


So to all the Veterans and to those that are in the “SERVICE” today … YOU are the ones that protect and keep AMERICA  a NATION under the direction of our Almighty Creator Yahweh,  a land of FREEDOM for all,  and if we all stand UNITED with our AMERICAN FLAG… flying  high … above us all … and at all  times remembering, that it  is… when we  will all work together  in unity that we will be  a NATION always protected  and forever knowing that to LOVE our neighbor … makes LIFE worth… LIVING!         D.V. 

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