“Time and Tide… Wait for No MAN”

Are you missing something?

When I was a little girl, and that’s been a long time ago, it seemed to me that “TIME” just stood still.

I can remember sitting on benches with some of my little friends, and we were talking about, “How long do we have to wait for supper?”  We also were saying, “The clock just is not moving…  how do ‘we’ get the clock to move faster?”

It was as if we did something, or maybe could  we even try to do something, that “TIME” would  then move faster and we could have had  … something to do?

When you are little, and I’m guessing this goes for all little “SMART TIKES” – that’s  being in the class of “SMARTY- PiE” … that we thought, that we were in – and we had  to do our part, to get the world to move faster?

So now, I’m putting my foot  down on the “BRAKES” of time – we need to slow down  ole MAN “TIME” – it’s going too fast… I cannot keep up with what I need to get done  in one (24) hour day!

I find myself complaining about things that are not getting done, especially since I am either too slow… too old or the day is  just too fast!

There is so much that I  feel that has to be done… right NOW– stuff that I want to read, and if I take time to just sit and read – the day is shot – all gone?

And, I have a whole list of  other stuff, which just has to wait for another day… hopefully a longer day or a faster me? In reading something that just seems to be what I needed to read…  is inspiring me to stop complaining about what I cannot change and think about the blessings that I have received, and ask blessings for everybody and everything that is requiring more time than which,  I can give at this  time!

“In other words realize that as one gets older, one must also learn to slow down.”

Today, we are on a very fast  journey, which is turning into a “rat race” – and the “body” being used today…  has already used up the best of its energy…  a long time ago.

So, I am doing a better job, or so, I do hope… because I am “blessing” everyone around…  as I go on my walk each day, I’m  finding…  that by “blessing” everyone that I meet each day, that is on my daily rounds – I feel like I have more energy and strength to get more done each lovely day  –  even more so…  than in the past.

I just “LOVE” blessing everyone as I go – You know that…  and  do try to remember… that… “what you say is what you get back” – and getting  a return of all those “BLESSINGS” … previously given in LOVE …to others…is the best part of this  earthly journey!”

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