“The GIFT of Thanksgiving with Wonderful Memories”

“Marie Brady” when she was a little girl


      “Giving THANKS… Comfort and Joy…”

When we get to this time of the year… NOVEMBER and DECEMBER, and  a big “IF” –  in the right kind of FAMILY…where the parents want to give to their children, the world with a ring  around it –  well then you may have an idea of what I’m talking about?

In 1900 – and the years that followed, my MOTHER was only a little girl, and also she was the thirteenth and the last.  Some of the older brothers were already married and  others not even living at home, and hardly even knew that there was a new little sister, little  MARIE  –  added to the BRADY FAMILY. In fact, Mrs. Thomas F. Brady, was way pass the years that  –   you would even think of her bearing another child?  Some FAMILY  and FRIENDS, almost thought –   that little MARIE, was the new little,  “baby girl” born to the eldest of the BRADY boys,  “JIM BRADY?”

At Christmas Time, one year, I just  had to ask my MOTHER about how she was treated as a child,  and what did she ever ask for, and what did she receive?  “WOW – what a  BIG  disappointment”  – I knew that her FAMILY had money and could give  to her anything and  everything,  and that they surely celebrated in a big way, since they were IRISH!

During the first and very young  years of  Marie’s Life, the FAMILY celebrated with  a big FAMILY get  together – mainly eating and lots of music and  singing afterwards –  with all the FAMILY together –  and no real exchange of gifts,  as she remember. But, when she was in the lower grades of school, she did receive a “DOLL.”  She never asked for a “DOLL” and she said,  she never really ever,  asked for anything, since everything was provided.

In hearing my MOTHER, tell me how it was –  when she was   a little  girl  –  sure got me to thinking, about how different we do things –   TODAY!  We just go off the charts –  with spending and purchasing items today for people – by putting ourselves  in such a “big debt” –  that afterwards  –  which  ever HOLIDAY –  that we are  celebrating, we feel a real sick feeling in the gut –   what did we do? –  AND whatever for –  WHY??

Some of  the stories that I hear, leaves me to thinking, WHY not continue in the more “FAMILY”  orientated way of old, just  all getting together, celebrating with FOOD – MUSIC –  and SONG, just  all of us together making “MERRY” –  being   comfortable,   in our celebration  – and seeing that  JOY  which each member of the FAMILY is having – and all  of our  many  FRIENDS  that we LOVE are  now  – also enjoying being included in the making of the “Best of Memories” for a LIFE-TIME!

Making new and wonderful MEMORIES each NEW YEAR   get together – are the best of GIFTS to be giving to our children – showing that as a FAMILY – we enjoyed LIFE and the LOVE in sharing LIFE with FAMIY and FRIENDS,  forever!

Thank you,   Almighty Yahweh –  for the GIFT  of LIFE to share more LOVE with our FAMILY and FRIENDS – the GIFT,  that will last now and for all Eternity!  D.V.

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