“No. 9 is very Powerful – Check Below”


september numerology

September is considered a power month in numerology as it holds the vibration of the number 9.

9 is a powerful number of creation and represents wholeness, completion and endings.

In fact, Nikola Tesla famously said- “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” 

In the month of September, we also feel the weight and lessons of our Personal Year Number the most. This is because September is the only month of the year when our Personal Year Number will be the same as our Personal Month number.

Essentially, this means that the energies of September help you to come face to face with the lessons, gifts, and challenges you are destined to go through this year according to your personal numerology.

This is so you can start wrapping things up in order to prepare for the new lessons the new year will bring.

You can calculate your Personal Year Number here and read up on what it means, but here are some more insights on your personal numerology for September-

Personal Year Number 1

It has definitely been a year of new beginnings and change for you and it is likely that your life has taken on a completely new direction. This is a year of really allowing your originality and true self to shine, and it’s important not to back down now. Keep trusting your own instincts and don’t be tempted to follow the crowd. You may have had to do some soul searching this year, but September is likely to bring more insights to the surface. Keep taking small steps forward on the path that feels good and you will make progress. September will be a good month for your career, so aim high.

Personal Year Number 2

This has been a year of duality for you. Perhaps you have felt confused about what you want, or perhaps you have been searching for a partner either in life or in business. If you are looking to meet someone special or even forge new friendships, this would be the perfect month to put any plans into action. This will be a very social month for you and it is likely you may make some significant connections if you mingle and network. If you have felt pulled in many directions this year, particularly in matters of love or relationships, this would also be the perfect time to slow things down and go within to work out what you really want.

Personal Year Number 3

You are being called to really learn how to express yourself and to communicate your thoughts and ideas in a clear way. If there has been something on your chest or pent up emotions, this would be the perfect time to work on releasing them. The energies of September will really be supporting you to let things go and to clear out any old emotions that are no longer serving you. This is also a highly creative month and is the perfect time to start new projects or to get ahead in your career. If you have felt the need to travel or even take a retreat somewhere, this would also be the perfect time to put some plans into action.

Personal Year Number 4

This is a year to wrap up loose ends, especially when it comes to matters within the home and family. September may be the perfect month to heal old family wounds or to create some healthy boundaries if you feel you are being taken advantage of. It is also a good time to organize your home environment and to manage any maintenance or repairs that need attending. It is likely this year has brought a lot of changes for you and the energy of this month is really going to guide you to deal with any lingering emotions, especially to do with your family or childhood. September is a also a great time to decorate or redesign your home so you can bring in more loving and peaceful energy.


Personal Year Number 5

Many of your attitudes or beliefs may have shifted this year and perhaps you are still in the process of working out what is next. September is a highly creative month for you and the perfect time to think outside the box and do things a little differently. In fact, sometimes shaking up your routine or finding a new way to do things can inspire you to learn new things and see things in a new light. Your perception is heightened this month, so keep an open mind and see what flows in. Meditation, journalling or even creative activities would be beneficial this month and would help you to channel any excess or stagnant energy. September may also bring new love into your life, so if you are wanting to meet someone definitely put yourself out there.

Personal Year Number 6

This has been a year of rest and rejuvenation for you. If issues surrounding your wellbeing have arisen, it is perhaps a sign that you need to slow down and revaluate your intentions before moving forward. Even though there is a lot of “change” in the air, this is really a time for you to reflect and enjoy what you currently have in your life. Give yourself permission to take a back seat and just enjoy the flow and direction of your life. If challenges have come up for you this year, don’t be in a hurry to have everything figured out just yet. Try instead to relax and surrender, as things will have a way of working out in time. September is also the perfect month to do things for your mind, body and spirit such as energy healing practices, meditation or yoga and so on.

Personal Year Number 7

This has been an energetic year for you and it is likely that you have been very busy! If you are looking to make progress in your career September would be a great month to put your plans into action. It would also be a good time to seek a new position if you are looking for a change. You may have also experienced a spiritual awakeningof sorts this year and the energy of September may be highlighting this for you. You may feel extra sensitive or you may even find that you are having vivid dreams or intuitive insights. While your external life has been busy, just be sure you also make the time to go within and take care of your inner needs as well.

Personal Year Number 8

This has been a very important year for you and it is likely that you have gained a new understanding of your power and your potential. You may have discovered new talents or even gained further insight into the path that you want to travel. September is a wonderful month to learn new things and to keep owning your personal power. If something has been bothering you, this is the perfect time to also stand up for yourself and make your opinions heard. With great power comes great responsibility, so you may even find that you need to start creating boundaries or taking ownership of your life in a whole new way. September is also a good time to get your finances in order.

Personal Year Number 9

This has been a rollercoaster year for you, on one hand you are being called to welcome in the new but on the other you have been asked to clear out the old! This duality has most likely been confusing at times and perhaps you are not even sure what is coming or going! September may deliver more of this energy, however things are going to get smoother moving forward. When it feels like life is pulling you in all directions, the best thing to do is to find your stillness and trust that you will be lead in the right direction. This month, try to give up control or any stresses and worries about the future, and surrender to the present moment. Keep your focus on the here and now and just focus on taking small steps forward. Things will be clearer in time, in  the meantime just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Note: this article was originally published in September 2017 but has been updated for 2019.




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