“Heavy Snow in Sunset Park – Children on Sleds”

“Enjoy the Marshmallow World – TODAY”

“Just sit back and enjoy,  a very special gift… TODAY – just relax while enjoying!”

“While “DEAN” is singing this song… YOU will see a few scenes  that look just like  those, that I posted for yesterday.” 

“The only thing that we  have going on here in  “MISSOURI”   is  just some more “SNOW”  and, would  you believe  that the children with their parents,  must have had  so much  “FUN”  here yesterday…  that  they are right back here  and  on top of the hill at our  “Sunset PARK”   because… we are expecting  more   and  “IT”  is  still coming down  right NOW.  Also,  according to the “WEATHER MAN”  we are to receive another couple of inches of the WHITE stuff …  which is called SNOW!”


“This is only a guess  on my part  but, I do believe, that in order to have FUN  in the SNOW… IT must be snowing and coming down hard and thick,  so that you can really feel it  as it is  hitting you right in  and on the FACE.

Since every part of the body is so well covered,  and with good  and very well insulated clothes and boots… all of  those little hits  of  SNOW  will just tickle you so much so… that you just have to stay out and  play on  the top of the hill,  as  long as you are allowed.  As  long as those wonderful   “PARENTS”  that are available  and doing the driving…  THEY will  always have the last word  on just how much “FUN” we are  all allowed in  this,  one  extra special day of playing in the SNOW!”

From where I am  sitting and typing, I can see all of the hill side, down to the  “MISSOURI  RIVER” and just everything is covered with plenty of  “SNOW”  all of the trees just look like someone stuck  some old  dried up  and dead “tree”  sticks here and there, just  a  very few green “FIR  and or Cedar” trees and  or  related types  of  trees  with each carrying  just as much “SNOW” as the  poor old limbs can safely carry…  before falling over.  This is   just the best of times for a view of  real HEAVENLY  wonder  and  that which… only happens at this special time of the year!

“Isn’t it  just so very wonderful… all of this beauty,  that our CREATOR  gives to us and all for  our enjoyment,  if we will only  be grateful and thankful,  and really take the time to enjoy…   while we are here and so very young of heart!”    D.V.

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