“Brady Matriarch”

When our  Aunt Irene Riley,  who has a birthday coming up next week,  brcame a widow  –   she also took over the role  of “Matriarch.” She was  the eldest living member of the  “BRADY” Family and  had the stability of being able to  bring all family members,  together.

As,  I remember  as a teenager,  she would call me on Sunday mornings  – early  –   so that  when she would inquire  to see if I had gone to church   –  if, I   said  “NO”   –  she would inform me  –  “get ready”   you still have time to go!   If,  I  had said  “YES”  –  that was the end of the conversation.  I’m guessing she went down the list and called  everyone    –  letting  all  of us who did not go, or  were not going to go to  “CHURCH”   –  that we  were despicable sinners, and  it was   “her duty”   to see to it that we went to “CHURCH.”

Generally,  when a  “HOLIDAY” would be coming up – she would send cards out to everyone and then there would be  a net work of communication going on,   as to who would be doing,  what and when and where and  “WHO” will be picking her up?  And who else will be on the  same  “PICK-UP”  list, as there were some people,   not to offend anyone  –  can not mention names –  but there are  some people who did not share  “time and space”  in harmony. Always,   something that had  happened  so long ago that the real story has been long forgotten  –  but there  were two of the clan that   never forgot  and never plan on forgiveness!

For the most part,  everybody  would get along,  because they  did not want to be taken out of  Aunt Irene’s  will.   Every one knew that someday  they would receive something more than they,   wanted to  forfeit   –   by acting like a  “FOOL!”   So,  until  and after the funeral    –    everyone got along.

The  “HOPE” of  receiving    –   makes for an  “amiable”  family!”

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