“This Kitten Lost Her Mittens – Meow Meow”

         “It is “Freezing COLD”…outside!”


I feel so good …that I have this “OLD BOOT” …to keep WARM in!    Early this morning… as I was looking out the glass doors… saw a wild animal… something like a “Groundhog”… he was running back to his old hole in the far end of our grounds…disappearing for a few minutes…and then he scampered so fast back up the incline to where I could see him… and then he hid on the other side of the deck???

After awhile, he ran right back to his underground hole and I could  just watch forever, but  from where he was getting something,  and maybe something that he had hid in another  one of  his underground holes,  near  to our house, might  or even  maybe, some kind of special food stuff, for his family.

He was very careful with his stash of food stuffs, it may have been a LIFE or DEATH situation for his family!  Some of the family,  some of them old  or injured and  those  that could not dig, into the hard ground, he sure was working hard and fast!

No matter, that I was watching, as  YOU can see…I look too little, so no matter how I would try to stop him, his need was greater than mine.

We  “small” animals, have to learn that in this  COLD weather…we all need help,  in the getting  of food to our hungry family…and so, we all should help.  As I look out the glass doors, I wish that I could give  to some of those animals  some of these  old boots, that I make  for my  extra special  little place to keep  nice and WARM!   D.V.

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