“Here we are again”

Just stop and think about all the training that I am getting …right NOW…when it is very important! 

Every chance that my Grandma Jill gets to go flying… I get to go too.!  I love to be up in the blue skies… flying over all of the little houses down on the ground… everything looks so good from up  here and as we fly… I am learning all about what one must do and look for up here… and as I fly over special places… I just lean over and wave… while I send all of my family a great big KISS!  xoxo

Here we are… Grandma and me … it is fun to be up in Grandma’s arms, so I am sending everyone  a great big “Howdy Do” with the shake of my hand… just letting everyone know and see… that  I have the most FUN of all the kids I know, cause I am always with the ones I LOVE the mostest! 

This is  a little extra special “Howdy Do” just to get your day off and on the right foot for today… just to all hands on deck… as they say in the NAVY!

Get up bright and early and have the  most wonderful  day… that you have ever had… and wish everyone an extra special “HOWDY DO”… too!

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