“Today’s Message is Right Just for TODAY”

“Did you take your  “B and P”  Vitamin”

Just heard part of a story, earlier today… and with just a little bit  or should I say a couple of  “nuggets”  will  just add  something of my own.

How do you  maybe say… wishful thinking… hoping that it will be half-way inspiring?

Sometimes… when we go to Church,  some of what the Pastor is saying goes right over our heads and or we do not think that whatever was said…  certainly does not apply to us.

It may have been good for some people… but,  just not our cup of tea?  But,  when you have one of your children sitting right next to you…  and they hear everything and are taking in every word… just as if it was meant  especially for them.  AND… while the child is listening, cannot say anything in Church,  but is doing the next best thing… they are  “jabbing” us … with their  pointy elbow,  and with enough power that you are getting the message…that  “something important”  must have been said to them?

So, when leaving the Church,  the little girl… maybe 13 years old…  tugs on the arm of her Mother and says , “How come you always ask me,  early in the day,  “Did you take your VITAMIN, today,  but you never ask me, “Did you read something good from your BIBLE, today?” 

The little girl says further,  “Mom…  don’t you think that my “soul” is starving for that message… which is in the BIBLE… so that I will be with you for all eternity?”

After all is said and done,  what is more important than  for us to be together for ever…here and  then, also for all eternity?

As leaving the Church,  the Mother caught up with the Pastor and said, “My daughter was paying attention to your special message today…  we decided that from now on, we are also going to be taking all of our “VITAMINS”  and, that is each day…  we will be taking some of the “B” vitamin,  we will be reading daily … from the “BIBLE” and… one of the more important daily, “VITAMINS”   for us to start off with will be found  in the book of  “PSALMS”  as that is one “BOOK” that helps young people gain their daily “WISDOM”  as that is so very vital for discerning the situation… that we have in today’s world!

A second thought that came to me is that… if one had a “high blood pressure”  condition, as so many  do have, since we know  in this world that we live in today,  situations are  turning up-side-down in some of our more important ways of living and so many find that they are having physical conditions that are giving their “HEART”  a real hard “work-out!”

So many now have to seek a “doctor’s”  advice  for some help. So many almost feel that their “heart” is about to blow up!  It  seems  that it  will be “curtains” for them, very  soon! 

 I feel…  that if only one will take a look at “Psalms” and “Proverbs” perhaps,  we may then be able to find the real and true self-help that is  really needed.

Our “B & P” Vitamins  taken for  our  health’s sake…  will  improve  us so fast,  that with our  other daily “Vitamins”  will show that reading the “WORD”  in a daily fashion  we will find strength  with… renewed vim and vigor, that you almost thought, that  you had lost forever.

As  I read daily, I  do date the page that I have read  and sometimes  you will see that… you  are coming  more often to some very important passages  and that  these  really are the prescribed healthy message for over-coming any and all  of our heart aches  and… we all… that is each of us has a daily problem, so  it is best to  read  deeper  learning to repent and to forgive others and the most important daily message in this world toddy, is to pray  daily for Israel.

We know that there are  special blessings  for all of us and   coming to us daily…  as we read in the BIBLE… so many verses   spell it out for those who will take he time, to seek  and find the message…  those who pray for ISRAEL…  will be blessed and those that do not pray for ISRAEL…  will not be blessed.

I believe in getting  all those extra special blessings… that  our  Almighty Yahweh will  give to us… just for praying and standing up  for Israel!!


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