On August 10th, National Lazy Day gives us permission to relax and kickback. So, we’re going to be a bit lazy here.

As you can see, there is not much information regarding this annually celebrated holiday as we do not feel like doing any research. Actually, we do not feel like doing anything at all.  Consequently, we are in our hammocks with a couple of good books and glasses of lemonade and iced tea. Yes, it is a Lazy Day. We choose to be lazy rather than tell much more about this day.

Quote markYou can’t teach people to be lazy – they either have it, or they don’t. ~ Dagwood Bumstead

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalLazyDay

Take this test to prepare yourself for the day. Lazy people fact #72432143726413424. If you were too lazy to read that number, you’re ready to celebrate this day.

The number one rule of any lazy day is if you can’t reach it, you don’t need it. Don’t break the rule.

We assigned an alternative word for lazy for the day. We call it very relaxed.

What is the official exercise of #NationalLazyDay? Diddly squats.

For some tips on how to enjoy a successful lazy day visit A Pint Sized Life Blog. We were too lazy to give you our own list.


The creator and origin of #NationalLazyDay could not be found.

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Some time ago, we had this “cat”… and now that I am thinking about her… can not think …nor   remember having ever called her by a name?

She was an inside  “CAT”  that someone must have decided that we could use another “CAT”!

We had three acres for the horses and there was a Barn for the horses, and of course we had some “CATS” that live in and around the Barn.

When you have horses …you need feed and usually buy it by the ton, but… with the feed for the horses you do see “mice” in those containers for that grain… so how in the world … is it even possible… that mice can get into containers with tight fitting lids… I’ll never know?

Now to get back to this inside “CAT” … she was always getting into everything and anything that she could, all by herself!

We were having some changes made to the house and in this one room… the Carpenter was putting in a Bay Window. The furniture was moved around and boxes put  on chairs… up and  out of the  way… or so we thought?

This “CAT” must have been an “INSPECTOR” in a previous life… as she was right there… into and seeing all that was going on. 

At the  end of the day… when I came home from my work place… the Carpenter gave me some PHOTOS of the “CAT”… that he said,  “he just had to take these!”

Since TODAY is  “National Lazy Day”… I just had to look up this PHOTO of our  “CAT”… as she was caught in the “SHOE” box.

Evidently when the Carpenter ask the “CAT ” what she was doing… She gave him a quick turn around in her shoe box… and then when she thought that she gave  him enough “MEOWS” … she went back to her lazy day with  big plans of going  back to  her regular sleep routine… just letting the Carpenter know… this is my house in this  box today! 

“Do not disturb… ME…..MEOW  MEOW… any more!”


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