“Today…Let’s ask for Blessings for Families”

“Do I Qualify for a BABY-Sitting JOB”

Just thought that I would “POST” some of my previous “Baby-Sitting”  positions…  with PHOTOS so that “YOU” can see  that I have had a long and extensive period of TIME … to obtain those qualities and knowledge of what it takes,  for taking good care of  a small child…  even “BABIES” …  and in some cases… more than one child at a time.

In this PHOTO you see “Sister  ZITA”  bending over one of the children in the “BABY ROOM” as the Nuns’  did not like for their faces to be in a PHOTO.

For two “six-month” periods one in 1946 and one in 1948… I worked in the “BABY ROOM” a job that required you to be with these  small children all the hours that you were awake…  excepting for “School Time”… and of course you never got into trouble with any of the NUNS… as you were never with the rest of the children.

You would go to the kitchen after getting up in the morning… go to the KITCHEN and get the food for the “BABIES” and for yourself. Take …. hand carry…  up to the second floor…  to “Baby Room” and see to it…  that they all ate and you would get what they had for yourself, too.

You would play with the children and clean up after them.  You would run to the KITCHEN…  with  the empty containers and back again as the “Baby Room” was on the main floor and the Kitchen on the basement floor.

A little mess here and there… and  in their “Bath Room” and “Bed Room” were all connected…  so,  for no other reason would you  ever be leaving  your assigned  area working position.

 This is what their “BED ROOM” looked like. You would make these beds and change sheets and such stuff as needed and there was a small  ‘cubicle  cell’ that “Sister ZITA” had  as her private quarters…  as at night she would sleep there  and be ready in case of an emergency to care for the children… “twenty-four seven!”

When  ‘You’  had this job… the reward…  every other “FRIDAY NIGHT” when it was the “GIRL’s” turn to go to the “NORMANDY THEATER” …  You were for sure to get to go…  as you were never anywhere…  to get into any kind of  trouble… because if you receive “three” marks against you for whatever reason…  you could not go to the theatre… by working in the “BABY ROOM” …  no trouble and a for sure thing,  for you  to get to go!

How’s this… My two children and husband,Lee… with our  little baby,  “Al”  trying to see what kind of big red furry animal that is … as that  does belong to his older brother, Lee… and Lee, Jr., showing  baby, brother, Al … how to crawl and get to  other places faster… if at all  possible?

 Now this is the best of “Baby Sitting” positions you can have – – your very own “GRAND-CHILDREN”   that is “Jamie on the lap of  “DADDY, AL”  and  “ALAN” sharing chair  with sister, “ALYSSA” and it looks like a “good time was had by all”  and with all this to show… hope to  get another  “Baby-sitting”  position  and that would be for “great Grandson, Lex” …  I’m home and available most any time  and of course… “Gramps”…  himself  is here to supervise…  what a wonderful LIFE we have with the Almighty Yahweh… to bless us in all of our comings and goings!         D.V.

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