National Siblings Day (also referred to as Sibling Day) on April 10th each year honors our brothers and sisters. 

Siblings. They are our best friends or our worst enemies. At times, siblings will provide us with our biggest competition, strongest encouragement and remind us of our most embarrassing moments.

Fictional characters describe those siblings best who are both rivals and yet best friends. From The Brady Bunch and the Cosby family to The Simpsons and the Piersons, television siblings tell our stories in humorous and dramatic form. 

When is National Sisters Day?

However, real-life royal siblings Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret had a different set of rules to follow making their relationship quite different from anything we would call normal. Being a queen will do that. Queen Elizabeth’s grandsons, Princes William and Harry and William’s children, too have royal sibling relationships that engage the world. 

Playing fictional characters who are siblings and being siblings in front of a television audience must have created a different lifestyle for Mary Kate and Ashley Olson. Their older sister is Elizabeth. Another pair of sibling actors is Shirley MacLaine and Warren Beatty. And don’t forget the exuberant Tia and Tamera Mowry. 

When is Brother’s Day?

There have been plenty of presidents with siblings as well. George W. Bush has five siblings and William Jefferson Clinton has three.

How many siblings do you have? Are you rivals or do you support each other in all you do?

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalSiblingsDay

Celebrate your siblings and the times you’ve had together. Laugh at the awkward and ill-spent time in your youth. Catch up with your sibling(s). Enjoy looking at photos and videos of time spent with your sibling(s). Play a song or two from the 35 Best Sister Songs list. Use #NationalSiblingsDay to post on social media.


In 1995, native New Yorker, Claudia Evart, founded National Siblings Day to honor and celebrate siblings.  After losing her two siblings early in life in separate accidents, she knew how important siblings could be in our lives.

Claudia created the Siblings Day Foundation (SDF), a tax-exempt organization, whose goals included the establishment of the national holiday. Claudia selected April 10th in honor of her late sister, Lisette’s birthday.

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