National Thomas Jefferson Day each year on April 13th honors the birth of the third President of The United States, Thomas Jefferson, who was born April 13, 1743.

Most known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was a stalwart of democracy.  While not much an orator, his pen cut quite a swath of ink through correspondence, documents, journals, and manuscripts.

Those who write tend to read. Jefferson was no different. His vast library contained 6,500 volumes.

Jefferson was not only a lawyer, but he was also a scientist of agriculture, paleontology, and astronomy. Immensely curious, he kept detailed records of the weather and eventually established weather observers across his home state of Virginia.

Jefferson served as minister to France, Secretary of State in President Washington’s Cabinet, and ran for President for the first time in 1796 only to be elected Vice President to his opponent, John Adams, due to a flaw in the Constitution.

Four years later, the same fault in the document caused a tie within the same party between Aaron Burr and Jefferson, with Jefferson assuming the Presidency.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalThomasJeffersonDay

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson. Read one of his many books or books written about him. We’ve selected a few for you to choose from.

  • Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson
  • Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham
  • Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson by Gordon S. Wood

Take a tour of Monticello or learn more by watching a documentary.

Use #NationalThomasJeffersonDay to post on social media.


By Presidential Proclamation 2276 on March 21, 1938, Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed April 13th to celebrate the birth of Thomas Jefferson. Then again, on April 11, 2007, President George W. Bush proclaimed Thomas Jefferson Day to commemorate his birth with Presidential Proclamation 8124.

Presidential Proclamation 2276, of Mar 21, 1938, covers all succeeding years. (Pub Res No 60 of Aug 16, 1937.)

Join us for a glimpse into the upstairs world at Monticello, from the beautiful Dome Room to the cat doors to the attic spaces, where our staff will discuss the lives of the enslaved and free people who lived and labored in the bedrooms, hallways, and out-of-the-way corners most visitors never get to see.

Thomas Jefferson – 1743

The author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson served two terms as the third United States President from 1801 to 1809.

During Jefferson’s administration, the country doubled in size with the Louisana Purchase.

With his signature, Jefferson launched the Corps of Discover which charged fellow Virginian Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with charting the vast newly acquired territory to the west.

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