“Making a Long Distance Call to Heaven”

Today is Aunt Irene’s Birthday, and  since… she is no longer a resident here on Earth… she must be in Heaven!

Almost a hundred years ago… when I did work at the “Telephone Company” and I was not of age… had to get a “worker’s permit” from the Board of Education!

 One of the required things that I had to also do… was to promise that I would not quit and return to School, when School would start again in September.

When I was hired… they spent a month of training new employees in the full course of that which was needed to do the job. Also… they were paying you the same as any first starting employee… ninety nine cents per hour!

I am guessing… now, that I am thinking about it… as that was more than I was making,  while working  at the Dime Store, after School hours  and  all day on Saturdays?

There were eight of us new trainees starting to work at the Telephone Co…. four of us to… two different Instructors.

Back in those days, there were certain Prefix Telephone Numbers, that you could call without there being a charge,  by the minute.  There were a lot of people who still did not own a telephone and would have to use a “PAY PHONE”… and they could be found everywhere!

Come to think about it… “Today” I can not remember seeing a “PAY PHONE” located any where at all? They must have just disappeared from our way of living?

Just have to mention… before being hired, they did have you tested for several things for qualifications of being able to do different things, but also, most importantly  your “HEARING” was the number  one main test… as you did have to learn the different sounds of coins being put into that telephone box, as each coin did have a most distinct sound, and you did need to be able to keep track of each coin as it was dropped into that box… to be sure you did  collect the correct amount of money for that call, as you did pay more for  the distance a call would be to… such as to California than to just someone in Missouri.

The from area and or distance  to each State on the MAP  had different rates per minute and there were some areas, where they had no telephones… at all.

Today…You can call anyone at any time of the day or night “Charge Free” with no time limits for day or night time calls, just talk forever and with today’s “Smart Phones” you can even see that person in the area that they are in and if you want, you can record what is going on … to show and tell others that nay have just missed out, on all the FUN you just had!

What I, as well as others did get to enjoy back when I started working as a “Telephone Operator” is, when I and or others were on a brake in the lounge areas, there were telephones that we could  all use, making free calls to anyone and able to talk for the entire time of my brake time.

Since my Aunt Irene was always home, I took the time to call her as she was  always  available and had so much to say and tell me about and all of the how to dos… of this and that… so therefor, I would  for sure call her everyday.

So … TODAY, with NO  telephone lines going to the area code of “HEAVEN” above from here…just have to use thought signals and memories of those good times we all had when she was still here with us.

With the PHOTO below of Aunt Irene,  that I have posted  more information about… throughout different writings… you know who I am thinking about  and giving to her some current info… via the mind!

“Happy Birthday,  Dear Aunt Irene … I am sending this message,  with Best Wishes to continue celebrating … way  up there, with even more Blessings from our Almighty Yahweh”         D.V.

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