Past generations have told of great stories.
You’ve heard of great stories of the past, like the Trojan horse, or Hercules, maybe Jason and the Argonauts, or Spartacus, or the great story of the Messiah.
This last year a story of a meteor in the news had struck the Earth from the center of the cosmos, and many scientists have come to the conclusion that it had traveled at beyond light speed and broke the time barrier.
Then hurdling across space, with sparks flying, it landed in the Atlantic Ocean.
The coast guard was sent to retrieve it, and scientists have concluded that it broke the time barrier of time, and that it is here from the future.
And when it struck the cooling waters of the ocean it had cracked open, revealing a tablet of an unknown steel, with a story written on the tablet about a superhero called – King Al.
1. King Al says: It is what I say it is!
2. Big hat, fur coat, army boots, I sure look good!
3. The magic lives in each of you, teach the AeroCad way to my people.
4. Open the door to your mind; I bring you treasures that you may keep.
5. My name is King Al, and I want you to live.
6. King Al will not tolerate anything that is not first-rate.
7. King Al does not ask, he tells.
8. When King Al speaks, you listen!
9. Never disagree with King Al. (Refer to statement one).
10. Disagreeing with King Al can be dangerous to your future!
AEROS: KING AL story available at:
  • Mary Ellen Aldrich

    “The best thing in LIFE… is to have a copy of the book… good stories to make your day turn out great” 

    P.S.  Leave comments”

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