“Another REAL Good Memory of Our DADDY”

“Happy Birthday Daddy!”Daddy in uniform 001

February 2nd is Daddy’s Birthday! This picture is of us during the early 1940s – before WWII was over and there were more people in uniform.

With Saint Louis Union Station in the downtown area –  the Army Finance Center going strong – my Dad was in step with the best!


“Take note of my throat…I now have that which,  little “TOMMY” just had… the “MUMPS”… so instead  of  “ME” going with my father to California, as  planned… since  “DADDY” …  has a job out there waiting for him.

Clark Gable – 1901

One of Hollywood’s foremost leading men during the first half of the 20th century, Gable was known for films like Gone with the Wind, It Happened One Night, and The Misfits.

…and just one more…  a real good  movie  that I love to watch … as it reminds me of my Dad.

This is a very old memory of the movie,  “Any Number Can Play” – “Clark Gable”  – born the same week as my DAD and in the same neighborhood –  they always looked so much alike – especially with that cigarette,  in the mouth and  just seem… to always be smoking!

This profile of “Clark Gable” reminds me of my DAD more so,  than any of the photos that I have – the 1940’s were the years when they could have passed for twins.

– but,  as LIFE has it – we each go on,  to that  special path in our LIFE – something  maybe…   for the good, and sometimes… even so to some very much better times –

and… in most cases – the too much of this, and or the too much of that – turns even the best  of  our terrific shaped bodies, into a plain old worn out … and  into… not too good of a shape,  leaving nothing much worthwhile,  for that  which,  we  always thought …  that we really  were  not putting our lives,  into that much better position … for a really good and  happy – long, long life.

  Prepare to SING… again,   and for all to hear us …  sing  our most  favorite song… loud and clear… “Happy Birthday to DADDY”

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