“When ALL is said and DONE, just add LOVE



When the grandchildren came to stay overnight with me, I would always have their favorite  foods, for all their meals.

On this particular  morning,  so bright and early, I was making a bigger batch of pancakes.

The kitchen was like a restaurant with  so many delicious smells inviting everyone to come  on in and enjoy.

The pancakes made a real hit with the grandkids,  as they were now asking…  what made them so good?

My reply was, “I have a very secret ingredient,  like all  the best  of good cooks”.

One started looking in the spice rack, and another in the pantry, and the searching began to be a very serious search…  for this extra special item, that will make pancakes taste so good.

When children are young and looking for something so special, an intangible item a substance to see or feel, you know they are looking for the truth.

So, I took them to the kitchen, for an inspection of the evidence, finding nothing visible, had to leave…  the cat out of the bag.

“Everything I do for You…  I add Love.”

That made their day.

Now twenty years later, I still hear…


“Grandma put Love in this for us”.

Posted in Family, Grandma, Recipes, Today and tagged with no comments yet.

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