“Blessings to All Americans Working Hard Together”

“God Bless America”

To celebrate “Memorial Day”… it is only fitting that we hear a song or two that makes for all of us,  to be PROUD to be living in this Country where you you are Blessed and  also are always giving Prayers and Praises to our ALMIGHTY Creator!

So having just given that thought, to start with today…

Have you  ever heard  Kate Smith, sing, “God Bless America?”

When they first introduced this song to AMERICA… it just seem to be, the medicine that all of America needed then, and with the other WWII songs that we all were singing… as this song is as a  Prayer to our Almighty Creator  asking HIM,  to bless all of America and all the people that are in need of HIS help, during those WAR Years!

The timing was just right as we, the American people… were in the WAR and  in much need of HIS help  now and forever,  so from our Almighty Creator  we needed,  HIS HELP in  those  drastic  days and times  of WAR, way  back then.

It just seems that “Kate Smith’s” voice was just so correct and right … just exactly, the  one with lots of volume to call … as in a Prayer … for all of us to HIM for Help!

Kate Smith…  she could sing, I know… as do all Americans  that have heard her sing … and we all know that our ALMIGHTY  CREATOR heard  her sing for all of us,  and HE  did answer as we Americans, are now, so happy for the good results… with an ending  of  WWII.


At 12 noon, on KMOX 1120 radio dial,  and that is everyday our radio  is on, and…  I gave it all  that I could…  to sing along, for all of the world to hear.

While we were at war, I  also did my  small part, I would get  going  and out with  other neighbor kids… we would  go down  my block and then go down other  kids  block, and  we would also  go through the alleys with my wagon,  as each of us kids had their very own wagon  to fill up, as we were collecting old newspapers and magazines, all  for the War effort, and any old  kind of metal and also old coffee cans filled with grease.

Also since you were to save and we did learn to do without a lot of things, as we did not have Grocery stores as we have today.

My DAD added a swing-type door  to the front bottom side of our garage  and  he also added  an enclosed area in the back yard for the  chickens  to be outside in the yard, weather permitting … and there were small box areas for each chicken  to lay their eggs and  then for us  to  collect those good  eggs.

The most important area in our back yard, Daddy planted some of the vegetables  that we all like to eat, and  then we also  had  a  most wonderful  Victory Garden. 

It seems to me,  and as I can remember all of our neighbors  who were doing the same things or at least … almost  as much as we were doing, too!

Also, we were able to exchange foods that were grown with our neighbor who just may have had too much  of something,  but… would like to try something different… and or with another very close and near by neighbor  who was growing, maybe something new and or different  and also maybe had  just a tad too much!

We all did our part every day, for years.

I know that we are all proud  and very Thankful for the chance to do our parts in helping  our AMERICA…  stay strong and always able to help others!

 Thanks to You,  Almighty Yahweh,  for seeing, hearing and putting an end to WWII in 1945.

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