Can our Veterans – Depend on us?

Are you old enough to remember WWII?  Are you “LUCKY” to have been in the WWII and survived? We need more people that remember what was going on then – and how fast “AMERICA” was able to work and unite to where we were able by each doing our part – helped to bring an end to WWII. Can “America” – today work as fast in a uniting action to really protect those that go to “WAR” for those of us who stay at home and build the necessary supplies for our men and women in uniform. Do we have a plan for our “Veterans” – who really need excellent care – to where we can and will give everything they are in need of! Our “Veterans gave their all – some gave their “LIFE” – what can we give them???

I remember in the 1940s – running around the block where we lived in NORTH ST. LOUIS – and going as far as I could – till my wagon was filled with newspapers and magazines – any of the paper products – that were collectible – for the WAR EFFORT and taking them to the proper drop-off area. Those were the days – when most of the kids that I knew had a wagon – and they were also doing the same thing as I was. We got up early and just like adults – we kids had our “rounds” and we each helped our friends in the collecting and turning in – of our wagon loads – and this was “FUN” for us! We even worked in the evenings – families were at home – the radio was turned on to the same station as most of the neighbors – on the block – and the “KIDS” were all busy  – doing!

Times have really changed – we have so many gadgets to help us save time so we have so much “saved time” – that I would like to know where is all the time that we saved? I just cannot see where we are doing more – for all those that are in need of our “HELP!” I just do not see all of us – rush –  to work together in a helping project – in the same manner as we did – way back – then?

For November – I feel that we should consider doing something that really helps our “VETERANS” – this is the month to give “THANKS” and to be very “GRATEFUL” – so,  sometime this month – let’s work on something beneficial – something that will make a real difference in the real lives of our “VETERANS!” Almighty Yahweh – will bless all of us who ask Him for the help we need to do His will!

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