Proverbs 30:4 – “What is His name”


Solomon once asked a series of 5 questions, which bring us to this same important question. His questions were:

1. “Who has ascended up into heaven or descended?

2. “Who has gathered the wind in his fists?

3. “Who has bound the waters in a garment?

4. “Who has established all the ends of the earth?

5. “What is His name, and what is His Son’s name, if you can tell?

Proverbs 30:4

When we answer that last question we automatically answer the previous 4 questions. So the purpose of this study is not only to answer the last question: “What is His name, and what is His Son’s name”, who did all these wonderful things, but to show why it is not commonly known, and to show why it is important to know that Name.

It is a fact that the great majority of those who profess to serve The Almighty, refer to Him in sermon, song, and prayer by either indefinite titles or by erroneous names.

You will notice that Solomon does not ask the question: What are His Names, but “What is His Name?” The Father has only ONE NAME, but many titles. The same is true with His Son. It is this ONE NAME in which all the families in heaven and earth will be named that we should be interested in knowing, because it is with this ONE NAME of the Father and this ONE NAME of the Son that the 144,000 living saints will be sealed. A special angel instructed the 4 angels to hold back the “4 winds” or the great tribulation “till we have sealed the servants of our Mighty One in their foreheads” Revelation 7:3. John was instructed to write: “And I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had His name and His Father’s name written on their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1). Since the 144,000 saints are sealed in their forehead, and since the Father’s and the Son’s Name is written in their forehead then the seal of the Almighty must be this Family Name “of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is Named” (Ephesians 3:15). Therefore, if the seal contains this Family Name – Don’t you think the saints will know this Name, will use this Name, and live their lives in accordance to the character of that Name? I believe you can see the logical force of this argument.

In contrast to the sealing of the 144,000 with the Lamb’s and Father’s Name, there will be millions sealed or marked with the name of the Man of Sin. (Revelation 13:8,16,17) Since the Man of Sin or “Beast” has a mark, and that mark consist of “the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” we can also see that the controversy in the last days will be over a Name. It will be a question of whom will you believe, whose name or banner will you enroll under. It will be fundamentally the same old controversy that Elijah had with the prophets of Baal when he asked the people, “How long do you halt between two opinions? If Yah is the Ruler, follow Him: but if Baal be the Ruler, then follow him.” ( Kings 18:21) The controversy again will be between the Baal or Babylonian system of religions and the true Israel of Yah. We may not know the name of this coming “Man of Sin”, who will sponsor and head this modern Baal system, but a thorough study of the Scriptures will unmask him. We do know, however, the Father’s Name – the Blessed Family Name by which the 144,000 saints will be sealed. That seal or Name is represented by 2 Hebrew characters – hy – (YH-reading from right to left). These 2 letters make up the revealed Family Name of The Almighty and is used approximately 7000 times in the Old Testament Scriptures, along with the 2 letters – hw – (VH) which means Eternal, self-existent One, the Life Giver. There are some who teach that we should not use this Name because it is too sacred or because they believe that the pronunciation has been lost. When you search the Scriptures you will find His name in Psalm 68:4. “YAH”. Every time you say “Hallelujah” you are praising Yah. (Halleluyah means “Praise Yah”).

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