Pearl the Cat – Piano-Player!

Pearl the Piano Cat (1)

“Can your Cat – read and play the Piano?”

Received this picture from my brother,  Denny and his wife,  Judy – and I have to say that this picture is worth a million! I’ve seen pictures of different cats  – at or on the piano keys – but this picture is truly a masterpiece!

“Pearl” is his name and while playing the piano – takes time to read the music – just so he can play the music as  – it is written! Our ancestors came from England and their last name is “SMART”  – so I have to add that if you have the name  – you also have the “SMART” gene in your family and in your “PET’s” genes, too! Cats have nine (9) “LIVES” and I hope that “PEARL” is using most of his 9 Lives’ playing the piano!

If you have a picture that I can use here  – and put my “two cents” worth of fiction  – for the whole world to enjoy  – we certainly would appreciate hearing from You!

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