“Today and everyday we say our PRAYERS”

“Now I lay ‘ME’ Down to Sleep”

“Little Miss Bebee… praying for peace on earth and good will to every human she knows and loves;

and we start with…especially the ones she loves to bark at, Donny Crangle, Melissa Crangle (Meme), Alan, and those she hears coming thru the door everyday, Amen.

Oh, and she forgot to mention “Grandma Mary Ellen Aldrich,” who visited  all of those  mentioned above  at Thanksgiving TIME and also  Alan… on Alan’s birthday!

She loves everyone who wants to hold her, like Ryder, Donald Crangle (Papa),Owen and his mommy Taylor Nicole Dalton.

Little Miss Bebee goes everywhere with Mary Quinn Crangle whenever she can.

She misses seeing her friend, Daisy, but hopes to visit her soon at Donny’s house, where she spent most of the summer with Mary Quinn Crangle.

She loves her family of friends who she runs with, especially her true love, “Turbo,” who always comes home to her, after his busy days in the back yard, and  in the woods, with Bedee and Zecee, guarding us.

God bless us here and there and everywhere


and  this is from…

Mary Ellen Aldrich – 

 I think that  our little  “Miss Bebee BABY”  is the sweetest of all … looks like she knows how to pray for all of her friends  – D.V.



“Miss Bebee said her prayers today, and will forever more… always remembering her wonderful family of  so very  many  friends!”

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“Remember to Take Your Fork with YOU”

“Always Keep a “FORK” in your hand!”

The other day as I was looking at this PHOTO – – – just started to remember an old story – – can not remember who told this story – – but it is important to always have a “FORK” in hand!


Only… if you are as old as  ME… that’s me… Mary Ellen in the blue and white dress – – and with a “FORK” in hand.

In the 1930’s and 1940’s there were large families – – you know Mothers stayed at home and the men were at the work place or even in the  care of  good old “UNCLE SAM” – – men were called up for service – – since there was always something going on … and AMERICA sent her young men  to settle the differences and at a high price to be paid.

More than half of today’s population does not know about the “Ration Books” that were issued to each member of a FAMILY – – and with out the sugar coupon – – you could not buy a bag of sugar. There were coupons  for so many things – – that a family might need – – but  – without that special coupon  … we sure did get the message to learn to do without.

So… for the story – – as I remember – – This older lady  was about ready to leave this world and she was giving instructions to her family… “what ever you do… be sure that this “FORK” that I have in my hand… is in my hand – – when you take me…  to the FUNERAL Parlor – – and  – –  just before they  start to lower my casket into the ground at the CEMETERY – – be sure this “FORK” is still in my hand.”

The “FAMILY” had no idea  as to why they should honor this request – – so one person just blurted out – -“Why do you have to have a “FORK” in your hand when you die and are put into the grave?”‘

“You just  do not know or do not remember – – but when our Church would have their weekly evening meal for  all of us in the   Church “HALL” where…  they would serve all of us large families – – since so many of us did not get enough to eat – –  we were told  “Be sure to keep your “FORK” in your hand…  otherwise you will not be able to eat – – as we do not have extra “FORKS” to hand out for  everyone in your FAMILY!”  “In fact they told us – –  just keep your “FORK” with you at all times – – you never know where you will be … and  if you have your “FORK”  you can eat  – – when ever something is offered to you!”

So… as the story goes – – this lady said that…  she  always had a “FORK” wrapped in a  napkin – – and took it with  her  and in her purse – – and said ,  “I want to be ready to eat at all times – –  where and when  I go  – Have my “FORK” in HAND!” And…  just so fast… her arm went up into the air…   singing out…”FORK IN HAND!”

Posted in Childhood, Family, Grandma, Today and tagged with 2 comments.

“Do YOU Remember a Terrific Telephone Operator”

“Dial ‘O’ for your local OPERATOR!”

Everyone knows that when you dial  ‘O’  for OPERATOR… you will receive a  “voice with a smile” – – and just so you can put  that “voice” into a picture as to  maybe someone you know… just thought that I would post the photos I have … for three other young ladies and myself. 


The above PHOTO is of me  – – and was taken within the first year of my learning to be a “Telephone Operator” – –

And I do look fairly young – – as when I started to work – – was not eighteen years old, and did have to secure a worker’s permit and promise to not  quit  – –  when September rolled around to continue with the last  couple of months of High School.

The reason for taking this PHOTO – – was that I had found this material with little telephones all over – – and just thought that I had to buy enough material   – – just to make a blouse that I could wear to work.

Of course lots of my friends at work liked the idea and the blouse – – and when wearing this blouse to places other than work – –  I could go into details… about working for the “Telephone Company.”

Just in case … you caught the PHOTO in the frame above the mirror – – that is “me” as a baby.

 My Mother told me that,  “One day…  I was playing outside and my Father came home in a  big hurry…  just grabbed me and rushed off into  the car – –  saying he had to hurry.”  

Evidently there was a “BABY CONTEST” going on… and he wanted to have me –  entered in… by having my PHOTO taken.

When we return home,  later on – – my Mother told  my DAD  – “You could have at least let me clean  “Mary Ellen” up – – and put nice clothes on her!”  

So… was my MOTHER – – ever surprised – –  when the Photographers Store  called  – – that  my parents …  could pick up the  First Place “Blue Ribbon”  for me.

Movie Stars 001This PHOTO  – – above is of  three of the other young ladies that started working for the “Telephone Co.,” with me – – – there were two other girls – – but… they  were not around when I was taking photos.

If I was to find and check my  old note books … for the first four weeks of training  – – that we were in together – – I might  just find the names of these girls – – as we did get together … even to  go to a couple of places to dance in the evenings, and we did have each others’ phone numbers… just to keep in touch when we did pass the tests and started to work regular shifts.

One other memory … the young lady on the right of this PHOTO – – was not able to make dresses from patterns – – but – – as  I did like to sew and was able to make some of the clothes that she wanted… she  bought materials and  patterns for a variety of different  out-fits – – and I was happy to do the sewing – – I was able to make use of the lessons I had  taken  – -and had fun to doing something different.

These were the days – – that we did not have “TV” – – and were able to do lots of things – – that people do not have time to do today … with the “TV’ occupying… all of our time.

If you think you know any of us  “OPERATORS” – –  just take the time and leave a message in the comment space.

Many years have since passed on, for all of us… and just maybe …  “YOU” as a “READER”  you may just have a memory of an “OPERATOR”   from way back and when … of that extra special “OPERATOR”…

So let that “OPERATOR”  and the whole wide world  know, that you have good memories of “Telephone Operators” your friends will  all LOVE you… too!

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“Brady and Riley Family early 1900’s

This looks like a very young “Marie Brady” –  and   sitting with  little  “Bernie Riley”  –   the  one and  only son of  “Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Riley” .

Mrs. Riley is  “IRENE”  the older sister of “MARIE” –   and now  a very young “MARIE”  is that young and very special “AUNT” to the little “BERNIE” –  and from what I was told  – he was a very special and very much loved young child of  all those who knew him.

This   next  PHOTO of   “MARIE BRADY’  as she is sitting on the right  and the top step of this four-family  flat…  and  this is where the “BRADY FAMILY”  lives – – and then… next to Marie is her friend, “Martha  Huffman”  – – and  the “Huffman FAMILY” lived  in the downstairs flat … the door you see behind where Mr. Thomas F.  BRADY,  the  father,  to a very young Miss Marie  is sitting…

And  I am  just so Lucky to have these Photos and good memories of all… that I was told back then… when I ask questions, so glad  NOW… to be able to say…   as I  am still able to remember…

 Miss Martha’s  father bought this building –  where they are sitting –  and as  the parents of  Miss Martha…  and all the rest of  her  siblings left their home  here on Warne Avenue… Miss  Martha was the sole owner of this building in the 1950’s.

Miss Martha went to SCHOOL  to learn to be a “BEAUTICIAN” – – and was  so very good  –  having lots of regular customers.

She had  her “BUSINESS” in her HOME – her section of this flat – and for many years. 

She was very good at what she was doing –  as my MOTHER would  also… have her do her hair.

Sometime after … MARTHA did get  married and she and her husband moved to Illinois –  but…  she then converted the “FLAT” to apartments… and rented them out.

I know.

When my husband Lee –  needed an operation… we had his oldest son, TOM take charge of things – at our HOME and Restaurant Business  in Florida for us –  since my husband was going to be in the HOSPITAL  in Saint Louis for several months.

So in looking for a place to rent in NORTH Saint LOUIS –  near the HOSPITAL –  there was this  News Paper Ad,  with this address on “WARNE AVENUE” .

So…  when I mentioned it to my MOM –  she said she knew the owner… her old girl friend … from the 1920’s.

 So  therefore,    I was able to get one of her apartments…  in this building – to rent for $20.00 a week –  and this was now  the 1960’s!

As I am thinking… I do have some old PHOTOS of when we were there –  and so again … when I find those PHOTOS … I will have to write…  MORE!    D.V.

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“Inspiration from the Almighty for All People”

“Just remembering Aunt Irene’s Son, little Bernie”

“Bernard Riley”


Bernard Riley  – September 10th, 1913 –

The one and only son of William B. Riley and Irene Brady Riley.

If only…  he had lived… he would have been “President” of this Country!

Those were the words of my mother… Irene’s sister, Marie. 

“Little Bernard” …  was the most beautiful child and always so well behaved… 

but his life was planned…  too far in advance of reality… not really  having a  real chance to live… just one day at a time.

In the “Lord’s Prayer” … where it reads… 

“Thy will be done,  here on earth…”… 

My thoughts are that… we have to remember to ask our   Almighty Yahweh,  for  His direction… 

because…  HE just may have a plan for each of our “LIVES” and with out a consultation with HIM… 

“how do we know the correct plan and path we are to follow?”

This is where I believe,  that we should start using that special  verse…  that states;

 “Ask and you shall receive…  seek and we shall find… knock and it shall be opened to you!” 

Is there a better  “plan”   for “ME” to follow?

“In this here… Life?”

“Help me with the divine guidance that only you can give to those who will  but ask for..

and follow the WORD …

that our Almighty Yahshua the Messiah…

gave to HIS Apostles, to give to us .. to follow!

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“Today, Remembering Important Events of the Family”

“BIRTHDAY for Aunt Irene Brady Riley – coming soon”

Have to find PHOTOS of “Aunt Irene BRADY RILEY” for a remembrance of  her “BIRTHDAY” – – as she did and always remembered…  to send cards to everyone in the FAMILY – –

And as I remember… even to each and every  “NEW ADDITION” as they came along.

 It does make one feel good to receive a  “BIRTHDAY  Greeting CARD” – – and since “Aunt Irene”  is no longer here on EARTH – – perhaps this message… on the computer can transcend into the “realm” of those places  – – for each of us  – – into  the everlasting Eternity – that which…  we all look forward to going to… and with great expectations.

“Marie Brady and big sister, Irene”

“How do you like this PHOTO –  young girls – MARIE BRADY is thirteen years old and standing on the right –  and  she  looks  like a real  “BAKER” of good desserts in her “BAKER’s HAT” – which makes young  “Marie”  look real MOM 13 001cute.”  The year for this

photo is 1913 – – and standing on the left side of this photo  – is MARIE’s  older sister, IRENE.

In the “BRADY FAMILY” – there    was a relative that enjoyed betting on the horses – – I can not remember if he was still in IRELAND or not –  but just before “IRENE” was to be born –  this relative made a terrific WIN at the RACE—TRACK –  and so … since he was so “LUCKY” –  Mr. and Mrs. Brady decided to name the new baby girl –  that “LUCKY WINNING HORSE NAME”  – you guessed it – it was “IRENE!”

So… in case anyone was wondering why our “AUNT IRENE RILEY”  was  always so “LUCKY” –  now you know, too!

Also… in this photo the “LADY” in the middle – is a cousin and this is where Marie and Irene are for this weekend –  guess they are helping her and the children … which could be her’s and or even some other relative visiting – these details I do not know?

This PHOTO is  of  “IRENE  BRADY-RILEY”  – now married to  “William B. RILEY”  – and   “IRENE”  is img030 standing on the left. In the center is an IRISH cousin – – even to-day –   I would recognize her voice –  as she had a very fresh and strong “IRISH BROGUE” –  and … I did like listening to the way she would talk with us  kids…as we did visit at their home quite often … when  I was very young.

On the right side, in this photo – – is “MARIE BRADY” – – and not as yet married – as she was designated to be the care taker of the parents…  when the time would  come – something different  in this family –  as even Bishop Burns from the HOLY NAME CHURCH came to the “BRADY HOME” – so many times, trying  to persuade the family to let her… young,  “Marie Brady” become a NUN in the Catholic Church.

Years much later… my  “Aunt IRENE”  would tell me … that I was to go into the Convent – to be a NUN – since my MOTHER was not allowed to go into the CONVENT – but –  as circumstances were –  I felt  –  that it was my duty to stay with my MOTHER and help her –  I just did not have a strong feeling to be a NUN.

In LIFE… there is a “PLAN”  for each of us –  the only thing is –  we just do not know exactly what that “PLAN” is for each of us – and with our free choice, to do things in LIFE  – there is the possibility  – that we could  choose to take… the wrong road.

Tomorrow… we will find photos  – that show what is going on in the “BRADY FAMILY – “FOLK TALE or SAGA” –  every FAMILY has stories – that are forgotten –  just because no one took the time to write anything down – and or did not care enough, and or very much about their FAMILY .

“OH” but… I am the nosey one… to look into the past and try to find the answers… if  only…I can!

I like my FAMILY … I should say that…  I Love my family!

ALSO… and I  am thinking that… everyone should have some records of their own  basic roots –  where they came from – where were they –  what did they do –  and what about the next generation?

Keep good records … as to whom … who will know – if  at least someone –  does not take the precious  TIME to record some important  events… with photos???    DV

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