“Some Days are Far Better Than Others”

“One” in a Million Days!

My eyes could hardly  believe  what they were seeing! 

A most beautiful doe deer and  her fawn  are standing along the inside of our  back fence! 

 It was almost  8:30am  and  as I was very slowly pulling the  blinds open as I usually do each and everyday … have  to see, just exactly what is going on in the “Sunset Park”  and  as I stand  in front of the picture window, and so slowly  as usual… I am pulling them open  –

  I  am looking out and always very quietly  standing near the window… but it seems that, the  “Mama” deer  must have some super vision, because as the blinds are opening up  – the deer stands so still   –  but … now looking up  here, and right  at me.

That deer must have some terrific side vision  and immediately freeze  –  standing  just so still and alert, before continuing what they are doing.

The fawn had a small white-tail and that little tail  just shook  like a little duster… guess the Mother  immediately passed on to  her baby  a signal of danger… and that,  they now must proceed with caution!

Don’t know if some kind of  secret  alarm  from the  mother’s temporary nervous state  was passed on and if   they were now,  getting ready to take off.  

Now, while they  were here they did eat something  and stood so tall and full of the most  exotic colors  of brown and reds  and orange  mixture  of royal coloring. They almost  looked  as if they were posed for pictures.

I was wishing  that I  had a camera, and  then was thinking, maybe…  I should call the neighbors so they could also  see and enjoy such a beautiful start for their day!

In full day light  for deer  to be on my side of the fence is highly unusual. I do see  the deer in the early evening when the  day light is almost gone. 

On one evening, as my son was about to leave the house, we were just starting to walk out  of our front door,  and   just along the  west side of the  house  is   approaching from the back yard… just  the biggest older buck coming  toward  our front yard and aiming to cross  over the front yard going easterly  and along that fence, concealing him by lots of trees … as he was planning  to jump it. 

We just so fast and quietly withdrew back into  the house, so as not to disturb this most elegant buck.

Where the buck was going  – we have no idea, because in just a few minutes  – we did not see  nor hear anything to indicate  a problem?

I feel it is a real blessing for us to be able to  see  “wild life” up front and center,  so close and as all of life  is such a real beauty to behold!

Thank You Heavenly  Father,   for providing your people with  such a beautiful world    –  to live in and enjoy!  

 This was truly a wonderful day for my eyes to  view freely  some of your magnificent  wild animals!

“Thank You Almighty Creator”

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“YOU too, Can be a First Responder”

Pray for “First-Responders”

A couple of days ago   – 

Just when I started to pray for all of  those on my Prayer List  –  it  just dawned  on me… that there are some very important people in real need of lots of prayer  and it came to me… that I should immediately … that is right now… start including  the  “First Responders!”

I had been just talking with someone about  the fact, that so many people are so very important, almost everybody  has that  attitude  of some kind of  special self importance today…  that they have to have a   Cell Phone? 

Nothing wrong with having a “Cell PHONE”… if only it were put to good use, more so, than all of the foolish and unimportant use, and maybe even that it is not used to its full potential  “GOOD” use, for helping others?

Our talk started to cover the days when I was the age of my  Grand-children  and their use of  cell phones? 

It is amazing that I was able to go all these years without a “cell phone”  and  also  be able to get to work and make  appointments of every kind without  being attached to the  “cell phone?”

How in the world…  did I and everyone else  in this world do our working and play  times and always get there on time and  on the correct day and place…  with all of the “stuff” needed to do it?

So,   with this  “instant connection” to the whole wide world  –

I feel  that all those with   “Cell Phones”  should consider being of a help to their family and community,  by being a  “First Responder!”

One never knows, in this world today, just  what might happen  in the next few minutes, but  then and right there… when there is a   “call  for  help”  –   a true emergency you could be the  “first responder”   –  by using your  cell phone  and getting immediate help where it is needed,  instantly…an urgent need for assistance!

We,  all could take some additional  “First Aid” training so that…when  we can call for help and  or we could immediately administer…  basic first aid  when an emergency situation arises. 

Ordinary citizens never know,  but that  they are in that just right place at the right time   –  just to  be that  “first responder”  when disaster  strikes a blow?  

It does not hurt to volunteer to take some of that extra training today,  as our world is moving at a very  high speed with  everyone moving so much faster –  and that just could be … when and where you will hear your first  of many calls for “HELP!”

My…  starting today, and making it my  daily prayer is to include  “First Responders”   –  Fire-fighters   –  Police  –  Emergency Room   – Doctors and Nurses  – 

Also must include my ears to listen for all other calls of which “HELP”  for so many and to  include each and every ordinary citizen … in the very nearby homes and office buildings near where I work and to include all those on the road driving facing any kind  of a situation in life needing necessary  and immediate  urgent attention!

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“50 Years of LIFE… DRESS style Changes”

Some times in LIFE it does pay to keep some of your old PHOTOS… just to compare …

You now,  can compare  where  I am… in the first set of Photos… 

with the second PHOTO below…

“WHAT a drastic change in the dress style of young ladies”


“Just  a pitiful mess… if I say so myself”

“It is just hard to believe”

1952 Classmates

1952 Class 001The  photo on the left  is of  our   Class of 1952   a month or two before graduation.  Front row left to right:   Mary Agnes Seidmeyer  –  Jean Saettele  –   Theresa Wieland  –  Violet Pheiffer   Standing left to right:       Stella  M.  Samtoyo  –  Mary Ellen McClarren  –  and Gail Porter. Missing from the photo  Betty Jean Musgrove  –  Eleanor Faucher  –  Elma Rutherford.

  This picture  was taken  at the corner entrance   of   German St. Vincent  Orphan Home  Gymnasium.  Did not know I would have this photo all these years and should have taken better care of it ,  as well as of a lot of others.    ( let this  be a lesson to you  – take good   care of the photos  you take today  –  you just might want to show them off    sixty years   from now)?

Picture to the right is of Mary Ellen McClarren and  Eleanor Faucher,  taken on front lawn  of Mary Ellen.    They were very good friends   –   spending weekends swimming at  Down’s Swimming Pool on  South Broadway.

If you know of  any of these gals from 1952  –  let us  hear from you?  Remember we don’t have forever to  be  in touch!   We are all   –  highly  prized seniors!



1920’s Mom and Friends!

Mom 1920's 001

This is  a picture of  my   Mother in the  1920’s!  Mom is the good looking gal with the pearl necklace.  I think one of the other girls would be her next door neighbor, Martha Huffman.  The  house does not look  like where my  Mother lived with her parents, but this is taken in North Saint Louis, Missouri.   Maybe you know  where this location is and can let me know?  Sure would like to know what they have planned to do?   They are all so  smartly  dressed and all have such nice hair-do’s.  But,  in those days everybody was always dressed   to  entertain  “royally?    Today,   the high fashion  is in jeans and shorts  –  even in church?   We sure do  a wild   about  change  in our attire!

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“Let’s Just Get The Feel Of THINGS”

Pre Flight Test!

How’s the  “AIR”  up there?


This is Cape Canaveral, Florida  –  on our way to  Merrit Island  to visit cousin  Jimmie Brady Shilling.

I remember  – as if it was just yesterday  –  driving up the  Florida Highway  coast and  far enough away from home   stopping for breakfast.

We  started our day nice and early, just so we could stop at a restaurant  other than our own.

We were planning on staying a week and enjoying the  swimming at  Jimmy’s  place on  Merrit Island. 

They had spent sometime  at our home in Ft.Lauderdale  – and said to come up to their place and plan on sight-seeing.

That is Al Aldrich  –  near or just 2 years of age.  Al made a solo trip from Ft.Lauderdale  to St. Louis, MO   via Eastern Air Lines  at the age of eighteen months.   He is a licensed pilot today   –   Helicopters his favorite!

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“Have FUN, I’m Taking Photos of YOU”

“Senior Citizens attend Kentucky Derby”


L. to R. – Al E. Aldrich and wife Thelma (husband and wife) and next…   the older brother, Lee G. Aldrich – and of course me… I am taking the pictures… just so that we will have a memory of some of the good ole times… those  times, we enjoyed doing that which we generally enjoy doing, all together just taking a chance on a horse and just hoping for the best… that is… just with  some very  big hopes, that maybe someday and soon, everyone in the whole wide world… will be reading of an “Aldrich”  having a truly big “Winners’ Day” at the track!

The men, and I am only guessing, they will  more than likely, have a very good idea of the over all good health and  the previous winning ability  of each Horse, that is ready and fit  for the lineup for the this day’s run…  and that extra strength to WIN, this day, that is to  really “WIN”  with the best of all… day’s payoff!

As I am remembering… there is something coming to mind   and… 

“by George”… as I am giving more thought to these good old days’…

…  also do remember that “Thelma”   had a different way of making her selections of HORSES,  with the possibility of winning and winning for sure and usually…  using  that so called “long shot” … paying off with a better return … than  what the normal BETTER would figure to receive… and even sometimes making the “Headlines in the Newspapers!”

So in the PHOTO  above…looks like they are really checking out the horses that are running – as  they all want a “Winner!” 

AND I BET… that no one ever lets another “BETTER” have any idea, of their selection… as the idea of Winning Big … YOU and YOU alone take  the whole POT of CASH HOME… alone!

It seems to me,  that at a very early age….  I was taught to work for the money,  that you would work for the money  you would be in  need off, and that betting on something  to ” WIN,”  is very slim, taking that chance,  that  you might receive something … just never ever seems to be the correct way to make, an extra buck or two!

I only tag along  sometimes as the DRIVER to the  something and  or place and also the Parker of the car, as I am not in a big hurry to see what is going on and all of the miscellaneous  things, that some people have to do,  just to be prepared  for some kind of enjoyment, if  at all possible… just for their being there and also… to be on time!

Everyone has their LIKES, and that is for everything… that they do in LIFE and so much for their dislikes… but for “ME” there are certain places that have very good “FOOD”  to eat… and to be served  a very good meal in the “Club House”…  is something that I do believe,  that most people enjoy when attending  the “Race Tracks is South Florida.”

One other thing, that I enjoy while out on some kind of a pleasure trip –  I feel that it is terrific to be the one taking the PHOTOS …so as to have a memory of the occasion… so, I like to take pictures of everyone having FUN!

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 was a big “WINNER” – 1st Winning Run for the Roses for 77 year old Trainer, ART SHERMAN”  – 

…only the oldest trainer to be the big time winner!

From California – “CALIFORNIA CHROME” – the 140th Run was A No. 1  “WINNER” – sure hope you had your money on NO.ONE!?!?

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“Just in case you’re near my age!!”

“Our Brother TOM, just  sent in this message…  for all of those…  that  are hitting those higher number of years, maybe even almost reaching 100!’
Later in life …
I used to be able to do cartwheels. Now I tip over putting on my underwear.
I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes… so she hugged me.

My wife says I only have 2 faults. I don’t listen and something else….

At my funeral, take the bouquet off my coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who is next.

I thought growing old would take longer.

I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing. Retraced my steps, got lost on the way back. Now I have no idea what’s going on.

The officer said, “You drinking?” I said, “You buying?” We just laughed and laughed….I need bail money.

I think the reason we are born with two hands is so we can pet two dogs at once.

Day 12 without chocolate. Lost hearing in my left eye.

Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons.

The adult version of “head, shoulders, knees and toes” is “wallet, glasses, keys and phone.”

A dog accepts you as the boss… a cat wants to see your resume.

Oops…. did I roll my eyes out loud?

Life is too short to waste time matching socks.

Wi-fi went down for five minutes, so I had to talk to my family. They seem like nice people.

If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I’m self-employed; we’re having a staff meeting.

I won’t be impressed with technology until I can download food.

Some people call me crazy. I prefer happy with a twist.

My doctor asked if anyone in my family suffers from mental illness. I said, “No, we all seem to enjoy it.”

I really don’t mind getting old, but my body is having a major fit.

Camping: where you spend a small fortune to live like a homeless person.

Project Manager…because Miracle Worker isn’t an official job title.

I told my wife I wanted to be cremated. She made me an appointment for Tuesday.

Measure once, cuss twice..

My dream job would be driving the karma bus.

THINK! (It’s not illegal…. YET)

I don’t care who dies in a movie, as long as the dog lives.

The world’s best antidepressant has 4 legs, a wagging tail and comes with unconditional love.

Love is how excited your dog gets when you come home.

I’ve reached the age where my train of thought often leaves the station without me.

If you’re happy and you know it, it’s your meds.

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