“DOG Tired and HOT!”

Is the     “DOG”   tired or what? Can you believe   how hot it is?  How long will we be having these  “hot” days?

Looks like we are starting  on the down-hill calendar  months  now,  but first have to  go through     “Dog Days”  – and that could be  from  July 3rd till  August 11th  –  approximately   40 days!  Or,  there is another source   in which we suffer   through a longer  time frame   –  from July 7th  and ending  on or about  the  5th  of  September?  So,  how do you  stay    “Cool”  while wading through  the  “Dog Days” of  Summer?

I do not have a “Farmer’s Almanac”  and have not bought one in years, because there really isn’t anything that I can do to change the weather.  Just decided to take each day as it comes and be  ever so grateful that I have another  day to do something worthwhile  –  while  I’m here to enjoy!   How about you?

The poor dogs  that live outside are the ones who really suffer.  Sure hope  “Dog Owners”  are putting more cool water outside for their dogs and maybe even an extra dish for strays that just might show up  –  just to be with their friends!

How are the people born under the sign of  “The  Dog”   and their mates born under  the sign  of  “The  Cat”     getting along  in all this heat?  Being born under the different signs  and having to put up with lots of extra hot and humid weather  could put a real strain on a perfectly good relationship?  Just thinking about those –  that  I know –  born under these signs?

Well, like I was saying  it’s   all downhill   now  –   so  start thinking   about the cold snow that we will    be having and then the complaints   – it’s too  “COLD!”

Do like every smart   “DOG”  –  find a nice cool sofa and take a nap  –  stay  “COOL”  and  let someone else do all those  “HOT”  outside jobs for the next few days!

When it is  “COOL” tonight  –  go out side and see if you can find  the cause of these  “DOG DAYS”  floating  around in the sky,   the  “DOG  STAR?”

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