“Full-Time Home-Maker”

My  Aunt Irene Riley’s   birthday is the  17th of July and she  was born  in 1888!  That makes this year to be her 125th if she were still here with us.  She had everything going just great for her when she  was 89 years old.   BUT,  Seems she  was in bed and was reaching for something on her night stand, and either lost her bearing or something slipped and she bumped her head on the corner,  and naturally saw blood and called for help. She was taken to the hospital and two days later  – died.

Looking up  the numbers from her birth date to see what they reveal    –   her number would add up to be a   “four”  making her  a seeker of security!  She definitely had security all her life.  I remember  my Mother telling me  – that in the 1940,s   Irene had to brag about   being so well off   that  – with their investments and everything going for her and her husband that  she would never have to work a day  outside the home  – not  in her life time.

So, with no real earthly work to do   on her part,  nothing  that  she really  had to do  –  she found herself  enrolled in the “RED CROSS”  and since this was during the  “WAR  YEARS”    – the group of ladies  she met with,  would roll bandages  a couple days of the week.  She would also make aprons, and pillow cases and complete these  with hand embroidery  and a  lot  of other fancy crochet work  for  Our Lady of Sorrows  Church  –  the  ladies’  Auxiliary Branch.

One of her table cloths she crochet    –  she would have on her dining room table  so often, and always looking so good   –  I now have.   It is beautiful and will out last any of us.  She did do good work.  When I was a small kid she would make lots  of  my clothes   and all  this work was done  on a treadle type sewing machine.

One of the other things she did  –  was to bake  cakes and cookies.  These were from scratch and better than you could buy.  She was an excellent cook and baker!  Even as old as she was before she died,  she would make regular visits to see her attorney and always with some of her cookies  – always enough for the whole office. Her home-made gifts were always the best of gifts to receive and every  one misses them  – as no one makes treats as well   – even with all  of   todays’s  latest  and greatest  equipment!

Happy Birthday  –  Aunt Irene  –   Heaven has received a real “Home-Maker!”

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