“Just remembering Aunt Irene’s Son, little Bernie”

“Bernard Riley”


Bernard Riley  – September 10th, 1913 –

The one and only son of William B. Riley and Irene Brady Riley.

If only…  he had lived… he would have been “President” of this Country!

Those were the words of my mother… Irene’s sister, Marie. 

“Little Bernard” …  was the most beautiful child and always so well behaved…  but his life was planned…  too far in advance of reality…not really  having a  real chance to live… just one day at a time.

In the “Lord’s Prayer” … where it reads…  “Thy will be done here on earth…”…  my thoughts are that we have to remember to ask our   Almighty Yahweh,  for  His direction…  because,  HE just may have a plan for each of our “LIVES” and with out a consultation with HIM…  how do we know the correct plan and path we are to follow?

This is where I believe,  that we should start using that special  verse…  that states;  “Ask and you shall receive…  seek and we shall find… knock and it shall be opened to you!” 

Is there a better  “plan”  to follow?

“In this here… Life?”

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