“Mary Ellen shares her BIKE with Denny”

Denny and Mary Ellen – taking turns…

Me on bike 001

Mary Ellen riding her bike…

“WOW”  Finally received a bike, that my Daddy had promised…  for the longest time, but later is better than never.

The only reason,  that I say that…  that way… is that my DAD had promised to get for  me a “pony” ever since I was a real little kid, and up to this date, well… I have never received a “pony”   and of course,  I had stop wanting a   “pony”  for ever so long…  probably knew that I was never going to get a “pony …   from day one!

As you can see on my face… I am tickled “PINK”  to finally have my very own bike!

There are only two other girls that I know of …  that also received a bike of their very own.

When you have something special in an Orphan Home ,  you can be sure that you will soon have a lot more friends,  than you did the day before receiving  your new and special item…  as all  of the kids here, would like to have it,  but  no one will bring one out …  just for them.

It was nice,  when my DAD had his old “Jalopy” …  without it I guess that I never would have seen this bike?  

There were also the times when my Dad brought other stuff… out to this HOME …  and we would get to share it with all the other kids. The one time I remember in the “SUMMER”  …  and boy o-boy was it ever FUN …  we all had “WATERMELON” … all the KIDS …  kept coming back for more and more slices… that was the best time for everybody…

Denny & bike 001

“Well…it looks like I will be just standing here and posing… by the time Mary Ellen gives me the “OKAY” to ride.

I’ll have to turn in for the night, here!”  “You know when you have an older, sister,  you feel like… they must be some kind of a teacher…  did you ever listen to some older – “sister’s”  – it seems that they are just born with a whole bunch of “HOW TO   DO’s …  this and that…  that really… do they know more than the next guy???”  

“I know, that some day I will get to ride this old bike!”

“If I keep telling myself “… “someday it will be safe to ride this old bike … but, WHEN???”

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