“I’m Looking at YOU, TODAY and Forever

I’m looking at you… as a little kid that would like to tell you all kinds of stories, about me and the family and everything that we did way back  and into the 1940’s…  even some of the stuff we kids  did  as a group and or with our own brothers and family to help  “AMERICA” with the WWII effort.

On the way home from school, (Perpetual Help School) this man had his camera and equipment all set up on the front lawn with a nice back drop  of plants for the back ground of the photos, he would be taking.

When I see something different, than the usual on my way to and from school… I have to ask questions and as others from school were with me, I did figure it to be safe for me.

So when this man told me … that if someone would sit at the spot he had mark, he would take their picture and bring it their house in a couple of days.

If he said anything about money… I did not hear that, so I sat down, and when he said he had the pictures to be developed he would bring to my house.

So nothing to do but to tell my MOM when I got home.

Sometimes I guess…  that I know what I am doing.

Back in the early 1940’s we did not have “TV”… everyone had their radio on  for information  and in the evenings…  if  you would walk down the block… you knew what everybody was listening too…  as most families listened to the same radio stations.

Back then and as being the oldest, I must have been told about  doing dumb things, but with most of the school kids watching what was going on, I did feel safe… but  then, having to give out my address… I was beginning to think about that  PICTURE  TAKING … when I told my MOM  about  a someone will be  calling or coming  by with my picture.

1944 ME 001

When the man called and or came by, to our house… I must have been  at School … as I never heard about it.

The above PHOTO is the one that I had posed for, and I do not know if there were others as this one is the only one,  that has lasted for all of these years.

As I am looking at this old, old photo… and I am looking straight out at  myself, NOW… and wondering what my MOTHER was thinking when this man had brought this PHOTO to our house for her to see .

If ever you would  want to let your child know a thing or two about having photos taken by just…  an any old body…  along the street and then also give them your address and phone number… beware… 

Today and even back to years long ago… things have always been happening to small children, and there is no way as being a parent today… can  you warn your children of all the possibilities of  bad things that could have  happened … then or NOW … and taken place, some time later on.

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