“YOU too, Will be a SENIOR CITIZEN”

Fun Working with “Seniors”

When I came  to St. Louis, this time, our family planned to move back… 

with ME doing the house hunting… looking  for a house to buy, with  the help of my, Aunt Irene.

 On my driving trip and for company while driving,   also brought two children with me,  from Florida.

While we were up here, my husband, Lee was  still in Florida,  getting our tings ready for the Movers to bring up and  deliver to the house that… I was looking to find and buy, just as fast as I could, and…  at the same time… also looking to find a place to work… as soon as possible!

So…  and as the usual thing to do… when staying with someone…I did  decide to help out our Aunt Irene,  with the extra work, as with the two children  along  and in need of extra care and clean up  work… as we were   lucky … maybe only staying a couple  weeks,  our clothes were getting dirty  and I felt…  that I should  do the laundry as usual and  just like I did in  Florida.


As old as Aunt Irene was … there was no changing her in her laundry equipment.

She was still using a ringer-washing machine, and for just herself, sent somethings out to the Cleaners,  and then some things… she would hand wash….very carefully.

I was using a new  Kenmar  Wash Machine  in Florida, but… the best part of living  in Florida…  I did enjoy always  hanging the wash out on the lines.

Clothes hanging  outside on the lines, are given  just a little  something extra special…  in  their hanging out on those lines , especially  in the  “Florida Sunshine.” 

So…  I had to put up some lines between the trees  and carry out basket after basket  of  wet clothes  –   just as fast as  I could … coordinate the  wash-machine with wash  and rinse cycles,  and  also using  the “ringer” very  carefully,  so… as not… to catch my arm in it  –   and so… I was as busy… and  as busy as one could ever be!

It was fun for me  and in the between  running in and outside…  we all sat outside in the yard…  watching the  clothes wave  and blow in the wind.

The  sunshine was better and the clothes  seem to dry faster in Florida. 

It may seem silly   –   but, that is one of the  things, that  I do enjoy doing  –   hanging the wash outside  and on the lines for the freshness and so much easier to fold sheets and pillow cases. 

To put the folded linens away after being in the Sunshine   –  gives the linen closet  a much fresher smell, and when finally used on the beds  –  helps  you to get  that… much  better nights’ sleep!

That was a real good time for all of us… to be under one roof  – together. 

Working  and having fun means a lot  to “senior citizens”  –  and I do  know that our  Aunt Irene  was enjoying herself… as much as I  did.

I know this, because… I now am a senior  citizen and now the shoe is on the other foot!

Have fun … all the  “LIVE LONG DAY”… while  YOU… are working with the “senior citizens”    in your family!

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