“Can YOU Pledge To Take Someone Fishing”

Fishing with “DAD”

Lee-Kids 001Fishing with  Dad in Florida!   “Dad’s  birthday is coming up,  August 1st.”

Family Fun is the name of the game!

It was very good for  “Lee Sr.”  to have  taken the time to take his boys fishing  –  the time spent  with the family when the kids are young is remembered    –   “forever.”

It was maybe only  three (3) more years  when Lee had a heart attack and did not survive.  

That is why I believe that  “One” should make the best of the time  “One”  has   –  so the survivors  will always be able to enjoy the good memories  – as they were made… each and every day!

I   would  like for everybody to remember   Lee Sr.’s   birthday because he was such a good  and wonderful  “Father”  and his memory will last forever with all of us!

When we were living  in Fort Lauderdale, Florida – sometimes we  would all go somewhere and try our hand at “FISHING” – this is something that “boys like to do”   and I was along for the ride – the “guy” … that takes the PHOTOS – and has something  ready to eat,   for everyone – and  then will clean up afterwards –  just the correct morale support to keep the “rain” away,  and the good fishing, going  in a  very good and quiet time – 

What a wonderful job,  just  exactly made  for me to do – and even to like doing it – just for  the FUN!

L to R – – – Lee, Jr., and Lee, Sr., and  youngster  little AL,  keeping his eye on “ME” wondering around – not talking – as that would scare the fish away – if they are even out there – waiting for their dinner – so that we could maybe catch them – and then,  have them for our dinner!

“What a game… that, we all play – while we are thinking,  that we are  all having lots of FUN!”



“Did you read the sign on our door?’

 “We plan on being down at the old  “Farmer’s Fishing Hole” – and we will not be back home – until we get every fish  – willing to take a bite on my line!”

“That’s my big brother  “LEE” on my left – looks like he sees some fish coming in near this pier – so if, we are really quiet  – just maybe,  we will be doing what we are suppose to do – and that is to catch some fish!”

“I think that I heard “MOM” say as we were leaving   home — “Don’t come back , until you caught  enough fish for me  to fry  – for our dinner  – as we  each  would like a whole  fish, tonight!”

“I was beginning to wonder if anybody along the bank,  has had any “LUCK”  catching fish – as I sure didn’t hear any excitement???”  

“I am sure that  –  I would have heard some kind of a commotion as they pulled the poor fish in – and then had to put more bait on their pole??”  

“The other thing, that I was thinking about – -was,   what kind of bait are they using and is it fresh  – and or do they know what they are doing?”

“As you can see –  I am the  small fry of the Aldrich’s family, and  that  we all are trying to catch a good size fish – at least something for my supper –

Sure do not want to hear  anything about…  that, “I did not do my part”?”  

“Sometimes… when we do not have good “LUCK” catching fish – my “DAD” will stop by his restaurant, and get us enough fish – and then “MOM” does not have to cook a big meal – we all can just  help to set the table, and enjoy a big fish dinner –

and more than likely “MOM” will surprise us…  with one of her favorite desserts!”

“Everybody just loves the desserts that my  “MOM” makes – 

 she always does such a terrific job!”


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