“Our Communications System was FREE, No Charge”

Tele Communications

In the  ’40s, we … each and everyone  of us “KIDS” had  one of the very best, and most reliable,  and also always in very good working order… our own highly reliable  and always  ready in a minute’s notice … private  “communications” system going!

As a  “kid” back then,  we got up early, dressed and ready to play and  or work… and work for me… (work was having to help my younger  brothers get ready).

Way before, I  could even get outside, I could hear; “Oooh Mary Ellen… can you come out and play,  Today?”

This was repeated and  in such a  long … slow sing/song  and highly  dragged out  repetition, by my friend,  “Alice”, standing out and on the sidewalk, in front of our  house. 

My Mother  would tell me… to kindly let “Alice” know that I would be out soon!

Alice lived across the street and way down, almost at he end of our block… could have been called  a whole block away, walking  to my house, and  always “barefoot”  and my Mother would never let me go “barefoot” … no matter how many times, that I would ask?

Finally when when I get outside, we  had a plan to meet with other kids… that we knew,  that would  also want to go around the neighborhood, and we would tell each other where and what we heard … that was going on… as there was always something important  for KIDS to get involved in doing for the  WWII  collections  of paper and metal,  because  we wanted  to do our part, in AMERICA helping to end the WAR!

Seems to me… that TIME  would move very slowly, day light lasted so long,  as  we were able to walk  more than a couple more blocks as  the both of us… will  start calling, more friends, walking and walking   just until enough of our  friends are together  and are  all gather to play, and are we all start working on a project.

How do you like our, “communication system”,  when we “call you” … everybody on the block knows “us” and “you” and what we are going to do, and where we will be!

Now, if your “parents” do not like your “friends”…  there is no secret telephone calls… gong on of which …  that they can not see and hear all of t your plans.

Back in that day … not every home in America had a “Telephone” … so,  those conversations,  that your  kids were making were broadcasted from the sidewalk in front of your house… through all the walls  of your home and through the walls to all of surrounding houses in the nearby  homes and to who ever has “EARS to HEAR” …  they all…will know and or have some good idea of those plans for  the day…

Now… it is clear… clear as “DAY” to your parents, as to what you will or will not…  be doing  today.

“YOUR PARENTS”… will howler out the window to your friends… that you  have other plans …you can not…  go out today? 

  Let me “tele” you something that, you may not know…

“we grew up…  with all of that fresh air, walking miles… in the great out doors, and  also…  we were  so healthy …   as to  being able to walk  for miles … attaining  “A #1” exercise.”

Posted in Childhood, Family, Grandma, Today and tagged with no comments yet.

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