Birds have ‘Fun’ in snow.

Do you like ‘birds’ – enjoy them in your backyard – doing what they do best – having fun? With the weather around “Zero” for the last week or so, and the ground covered with “snow” – and so much of the white stuff – the poor birds have a hard time finding “good eats.”

The stores have all kinds of bird food on sale – and if you do not have a bird house or feeder – check out ‘Google’ for all the free and helpful information. They have so much information on how to make feeders from all the empty containers you have and are ready to throw away – so easy for you to cut out of plastic jugs and really good ideas from stuff you just would not believe until you check out  – how to make bird feeders on Google!

We have a purple martin bird house in the back yard and so does the neighbor. So, we both have plenty of birds visiting our yards – and like I wrote about the Cardinal Family of birds in the evergreen trees – that visit me on the back porch – I hate to see them freeze with this cold weather. With that said – we put a picnic table near the trees that they live in and love – and on the table top a wood bird feeder and a couple of plastic bowls on the table top with something they really like.

This is what I figured the birds need to build them up in fighting off the cold; Peanut butter – bacon grease – and wild bird seed- mix these ingredients together, into a ball and put half in its own bowl – this way one bowl on either end of the table. This is so not all fight to get at only one bowl. I just wish you could see these birds – one bird just kept eating, must have been so good – he would walk a little kicking up snow and then just standing still at the edge of the table. I thought he would fly away, but – no way! He mosey back and ate some more! HE WAS FILLING UP – SO THAT HE WOULD BUILD UP WARM CELLS IN HIS BODY.

The best part of watching the birds was; the birds in my yard flew over to the neighbor’s yard and must have told those birds what they were eating. The neighbor’s birds – all took flight and made a big flying curve over here and partook of what we were offering “Extra beneficial good eats” – you would think they were having steak and potatoes!

I sure hope all those birds had the best meal ever and get a good night’s sleep – so we can all start over tomorrow having fun – I put out the free food and they put on the best “Free Show” for me  to enjoy and tell everyone – You are missing out – if you are not feeding the birds!

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