A Banquet Bonanza!

Yesterday’s feast for the “BIRDS” was a real Bonanza for all the animals – near and around Sunset Park! The ‘wild bird seed’ brought in all the birds – some that I had not seen around here. I am glad that they were all able to get the special mixture of peanut butter and fresh bacon grease in a ball covered with the wild bird seed. Hopefully they will be able to endure this awfully cold weather with the fresh snow every few hours.

Late yesterday, when the smell of the peanut butter circulated around – sure enough a fully fur to the nth degree squirrel showed up – for the nuts. I only buy the peanut butter that I like – the honey roasted peanut – that has such a good flavor and fresh smell – anyone could eat the whole jar-full at one sitting – it is that good! With two plates full on the picnic table – would you believe the squirrel came back – today!

This morning – at 7:00 A.M. – when I went out to check on the table of “GOOD EATS” – there were Deer Tracks – all around the table and leading to the fence where they jumped coming into the yard and also toward the other end of the yard where they left – so they must have gotten wind of the “CORN” – so all the animals must have had a real Banquet!

There are “OWLS in some of trees – because I hear them – but I have no idea what they are doing – no tell-tale signs – guess I’ll have to take some time and research what they like and see if I can help them out – at least during this  cold streak of freezing weather?

My son, Al said that we should do our part to help all the animals – since they really have no one to really give a care – as to how they will survive – without the help of someone.

My binoculars really bring to me a first rate show of all the animals having fun – enjoying “good eats” – living in harmony with each other – and always showing me “THANKS” with all the funny things they do – just to let me know – they like what I am doing for them

I hope you too are having fun with your back yard animals!


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