“7th & 8th Grades – Girl’s Sewing Circle!”


This picture is of the girls in the 7th and 8th grades –  in the year 1947 at German St. Vincent’s  Orphan Home. This room was called the “Girls Sitting Room” – but was only used for something like the above picture – as all the girls had their “PLAY Room  – downstairs and there was one “NUN” in charge of all the girls –  for one hour per day  –  each hour a different “NUN” would show up for duty – that was another way you knew what time it was – as  certain NUNS had preferred hours. So, if this room also had girls in it  – at any time – there would have to be a “NUN” there to supervise.  There were only 27 “NUNS” in the HOME  – and each  NUN had assigned duties that had to be done  – and there were  no spare NUNS for extra assignment duty???

The girls in this picture would have been  living at the HOME for most of their lives and when in the lower grades – first started  learning to do the various sewing skills   – that you see them doing in the above picture.

Sitting at the table on the left front – are the Whitney Twins –   as you look close – you will see that they have “identical dresses on”  so easy to pick them out of a group ! Sitting across from them on the right  side of the table, and first is Ester Bone also another good friend of mine! Looks  like a small throw type  rug, that she is making. On the right side of this picture – along the wall and the second girl is Marie Anna, and crocheting is her trademark – no matter where she was – she always had something  – that she would be working on. She could probably  “crochet ”  in her sleep???

There may have been a lot of things that we kids did not like when living at St. Vincent’s – but if you stopped wasting your time complaining  – and paid some attention to learning something –  that you just might kike doing  –   maybe – many years  –  later. That’s what  – LIFE is all about  – learn to do something that you will enjoy –  so,  when you have free time  to really enjoy doing something – just for yourself – or even for family and friends  –    and the special pleasure it gives you – when you can share your learning with someone else!

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