Fun Working with “Seniors”

When I came  to St.Louis to stay with  my, Aunt Irene,  and brought two children with me,  from Florida,  decided to help out with the extra work. With the two children  and we were  only staying a couple  weeks, clothes were getting dirty  and I felt I should  do the laundry  just like I did in  Florida.

As old as Aunt Irene was there was no changing her in her laundry equipment. She was still using a ringer-washing machine.  I was using a new  Kenmar  Wash Machine  in Florida, but in Florida  –  I enjoyed hanging the wash out on the lines. Clothes hanging on the lines are given  a little extra in  the hanging on the lines , especialy  in Florida Sunshine.  So,  I had to put up some lines between the trees  and carry out basket after basket  of  wet clothes  –   just as fast as  I could coordinate the  wash-nachine with wash  and rinse and use the ringer  carefully so,  as not to catch my arm in it  –   and   I was as busy as I could be.

It was fun for me  and in  the between  running in and outside,    we sat outside in the yard watching the  clothes wave  and blow in the wind. The  sunshine was better and the clothes  seem to dry faster in Florida.  It may seem silly   –   but that is one thing I do enjoy doing  –   hanging the wash outside  and on the lines for the freshness and so much easier to fold sheets and pillow cases.  To put the folded linens away after being in the sunshine   –  gives the linen closet  a much fresher smell and when finally use on the beds  –  helps  you to get a better nights’ sleep!

That was a good time for all of us to be under one roof  – together.  Working  and having fun means alot  to senior citizens  –  and I know Aunt Irene enjoyed herself as much as I  did . I know this because I now am a senior  ciizen and now the shoe is on the other foot!

Have fun working with the “senior citizens”    in your family!

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“Brady Matriarch”

When our  Aunt Irene Riley,  who has a birthday coming up next week,  brcame a widow  –   she also took over the role  of “Matriarch.” She was  the eldest living member of the  “BRADY” Family and  had the stability of being able to  bring all family members,  together.

As,  I remember  as a teenager,  she would call me on Sunday mornings  – early  –   so that  when she would inquire  to see if I had gone to church   –  if, I   said  “NO”   –  she would inform me  –  “get ready”   you still have time to go!   If,  I  had said  “YES”  –  that was the end of the conversation.  I’m guessing she went down the list and called  everyone    –  letting  all  of us who did not go, or  were not going to go to  “CHURCH”   –  that we  were despicable sinners, and  it was   “her duty”   to see to it that we went to “CHURCH.”

Generally,  when a  “HOLIDAY” would be coming up – she would send cards out to everyone and then there would be  a net work of communication going on,   as to who would be doing,  what and when and where and  “WHO” will be picking her up?  And who else will be on the  same  “PICK-UP”  list, as there were some people,   not to offend anyone  –  can not mention names –  but there are  some people who did not share  “time and space”  in harmony. Always,   something that had  happened  so long ago that the real story has been long forgotten  –  but there  were two of the clan that   never forgot  and never plan on forgiveness!

For the most part,  everybody  would get along,  because they  did not want to be taken out of  Aunt Irene’s  will.   Every one knew that someday  they would receive something more than they,   wanted to  forfeit   –   by acting like a  “FOOL!”   So,  until  and after the funeral    –    everyone got along.

The  “HOPE” of  receiving    –   makes for an  “amiable”  family!”

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Weekly Training Plan!

Since my  Aunt  Irene Brady Riley  lived to be  83 years young  – having been the longest living “Matriarch” in the  Brady Family  – have to write of some tings I remember!

When she was a little girl in the early  1900’s – families were  more organized so that  each member of the family had chores and or duties to do each day, so that larger families could live together under one roof – with dignity. So, each child had  some kind of work in the home to do or work for others at some amount of pay. Little  Irene  was the first girl  and  at  the  age  5  was to start to learn all about food preparations and clean up, because there were four older brothers working outside the home as day labours while going to school.

First day of the week was Sunday,  and the whole family went to Church, followed with big amounts of food for family and friends.  A day of rest!

Monday was  “WASH DAY”  –  and it took the whole day for a family of five  children  and  FATHER AND  MOTHER,  and more on the way!

Tuesday  – everything that was washed  – now  needed someone  to iron  and that includes  lots of linens as well as lots of shirts for the  men in the family. Did  anybody complain  – –  that it was too hot?  The women wearing long dresses with a couple of petticoats and those long bloomers under it all?

Wednesday is the day to finish up whatever you did not get to do on  Tuesday. If you were able  to finish  “TUESDAY’s” work  you then started with dusting and  other cleaning

Thursday and   Friday were the days for some real good  in the  house  cleaning  – into the dirty  corners and the changing of the bed linens  and getting the fancy living room linens  in their place as well  as the covering on the piano   – taken out and hung on the line to freshen  up for the weekend. Also,  the front  white stone  steps  scrubbed  and the vestibule area cleaned – just in case someone sits on the steps in their  “Sunday”  best attire.  I do have old photos of every one standing and sitting   – ready  for the camera!

Saturday,   little Irene gets  an  up front  and on  the job training from the best of best  “Chef”  her  mother,  Mrs. Anne Smart Brady!  If you wanted to learn anything about cooking or baking  – you would want to be  in little Irene’s place.   This was  “Top Drawer”  learning at its best!

They made all the breads and sweets that would be eaten for the week.  And everything was  gone  so fast  –  it was so good,  and every  “SATURDAY” had  all the baking   to  be done again  –   week after week.

Professional training of the children done in the home, and by the parents!    Is there a better way?    Let me know?


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JULY Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to everybody born in the month of July!  With the Holliday of the 4th of July and   our Indepedence Day  Celebration over  –  can now get the old thinking cap   put on straight  and  try to remember to do a few other things  regarding “JULY!”

First birthday for the month of July  and  also  on the   1st of July   – Alan Aldrich.  I did write about  Alan  and wished him a  Happy Birthday and was also invited to his birthday party.   So,  he is now enjoying a new year  in life  – just one  more  year added on   –  for good measure!

Next on the  July birthday list is  Paul Berryhill  and  he will be celebrating on “Cloud 9”  with all those who are no longer here!

Another July birthday is  Dallas Wetzler,  who    will be celebrating with his wife , Sandy Wetzler.

My Aunt  Irene Riley, and  she  also will be celebrating on “Cloud   9”  with lots of old friends and new ones are always on their way to join in with the fun!

Seems like I am forgetting a few birthday  people  –  but without my old lists and  “Halmark booklet”  with all birthdays and anniversaries in one place the brain cells –  just  do what they do best and forget.

My best of wishes to all the  “Birthday Friends”  is for our Heavenly Father  to bless each and all with  His abundant blessings – forever!

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“Full-Time Home-Maker”

My  Aunt Irene Riley’s   birthday is the  17th of July and she  was born  in 1888!  That makes this year to be her 125th if she were still here with us.  She had everything going just great for her when she  was 89 years old.   BUT,  Seems she  was in bed and was reaching for something on her night stand, and either lost her bearing or something slipped and she bumped her head on the corner,  and naturally saw blood and called for help. She was taken to the hospital and two days later  – died.

Looking up  the numbers from her birth date to see what they reveal    –   her number would add up to be a   “four”  making her  a seeker of security!  She definitely had security all her life.  I remember  my Mother telling me  – that in the 1940,s   Irene had to brag about   being so well off   that  – with their investments and everything going for her and her husband that  she would never have to work a day  outside the home  – not  in her life time.

So, with no real earthly work to do   on her part,  nothing  that  she really  had to do  –  she found herself  enrolled in the “RED CROSS”  and since this was during the  “WAR  YEARS”    – the group of ladies  she met with,  would roll bandages  a couple days of the week.  She would also make aprons, and pillow cases and complete these  with hand embroidery  and a  lot  of other fancy crochet work  for  Our Lady of Sorrows  Church  –  the  ladies’  Auxiliary Branch.

One of her table cloths she crochet    –  she would have on her dining room table  so often, and always looking so good   –  I now have.   It is beautiful and will out last any of us.  She did do good work.  When I was a small kid she would make lots  of  my clothes   and all  this work was done  on a treadle type sewing machine.

One of the other things she did  –  was to bake  cakes and cookies.  These were from scratch and better than you could buy.  She was an excellent cook and baker!  Even as old as she was before she died,  she would make regular visits to see her attorney and always with some of her cookies  – always enough for the whole office. Her home-made gifts were always the best of gifts to receive and every  one misses them  – as no one makes treats as well   – even with all  of   todays’s  latest  and greatest  equipment!

Happy Birthday  –  Aunt Irene  –   Heaven has received a real “Home-Maker!”

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“DOG Tired and HOT!”

Is the     “DOG”   tired or what? Can you believe   how hot it is?  How long will we be having these  “hot” days?

Looks like we are starting  on the down-hill calendar  months  now,  but first have to  go through     “Dog Days”  – and that could be  from  July 3rd till  August 11th  –  approximately   40 days!  Or,  there is another source   in which we suffer   through a longer  time frame   –  from July 7th  and ending  on or about  the  5th  of  September?  So,  how do you  stay    “Cool”  while wading through  the  “Dog Days” of  Summer?

I do not have a “Farmer’s Almanac”  and have not bought one in years, because there really isn’t anything that I can do to change the weather.  Just decided to take each day as it comes and be  ever so grateful that I have another  day to do something worthwhile  –  while  I’m here to enjoy!   How about you?

The poor dogs  that live outside are the ones who really suffer.  Sure hope  “Dog Owners”  are putting more cool water outside for their dogs and maybe even an extra dish for strays that just might show up  –  just to be with their friends!

How are the people born under the sign of  “The  Dog”   and their mates born under  the sign  of  “The  Cat”     getting along  in all this heat?  Being born under the different signs  and having to put up with lots of extra hot and humid weather  could put a real strain on a perfectly good relationship?  Just thinking about those –  that  I know –  born under these signs?

Well, like I was saying  it’s   all downhill   now  –   so  start thinking   about the cold snow that we will    be having and then the complaints   – it’s too  “COLD!”

Do like every smart   “DOG”  –  find a nice cool sofa and take a nap  –  stay  “COOL”  and  let someone else do all those  “HOT”  outside jobs for the next few days!

When it is  “COOL” tonight  –  go out side and see if you can find  the cause of these  “DOG DAYS”  floating  around in the sky,   the  “DOG  STAR?”

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