“July 17th is just around the corner”

“Brady Matriarch”

When our  Aunt Irene Riley,  who has a birthday coming up next week,  became a widow  –   she also took over the role  of “Matriarch.” She was  the eldest living member of the  “BRADY” Family and  had the stability of being able to  bring all family members,  together.

As,  I remember  as a teenager,  she would call me on Sunday mornings  – early  –   so that  when  “calling” … she would inquire  to see if I had gone to church   – 

If, I   said  “NO”   –  she would inform me  –  “get ready”  right NOW…  you still have time to go!   

If,  I  had said  “YES”  –  that was the end of the conversation. 

I’m guessing she went down the list and called  everyone    –  letting  all  of us…  who did not go, or…  were not going to go to  “CHURCH”   –  that we  were despicable sinners, and  it was   “her duty”   to see to it… that we  all …went to “CHURCH.”

Generally,  when a  “HOLIDAY” would be coming up – she would send cards out to everyone and then… there would be  a net work of communication going on,   as to who would be doing,  what…  and when and where and  “WHO” will be picking her up? 

And who else will be on the  same  “PICK-UP”  list, as there were some people, not to offend anyone  –  can not mention names –  but…  there are  some people who did not share  “time and space”  in harmony.

Always,   something that had  happened  so long ago that the real story has been long forgotten  –  but there  were two of the clan that   never forgot  and never plan on forgiveness!

For the most part, everybody  would get along,  because they  did not want to be taken out of  Aunt Irene’s  will.  

Every one knew that someday…  they would receive something more than they,  wanted to  forfeit   – 

 By acting like a  “FOOL!”  

So,  until  and after the funeral    –    everyone got along.

The  “HOPE” of  receiving    –   makes for an  “amiable”  family!”

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“What does ‘Vacation’ mean to You TODAY”

Working Vacation

There is for sure  one word that means more than anything else in this world … to everyone … and that is the terrific word… VACATION!

Everybody and  each and every FAMILY always want to know when their  “Vacation Time” will be for them, what month … how  long…  a  month,  several weeks, and or maybe, if only a few days?

So how does that work, if you are a child in an Orphanage?

Two years before I was to graduate from the eight grade, there was an announcement  made that you would have an opportunity to go to CAMP for two weeks!

Vacation!  Even ‘Orphans’ get a 2-week vacation! 

The  ‘camp’ name might have been  ‘Camp Wyman’  – but the girls who wanted to go  – were  preparing  by packing a bag of essentials  –  and each child would then try on a swimsuit or two to see what looked best on you.

You and your friends will pick out a swimsuit, from a donation, just donated for this  special occasion, and a special towel to wrap up your swimsuit.

This two-week vacation was a terrific idea for so many of the girls, especially those… who never received a VISIT on  VISITING SUNDAY,  from parents and or relatives.

Just giving this “VACATION” two weeks…  a perfect time in my mind…  would be to spend this time with my MOM!

SO… My choice was to spend  the  2-week   ‘vacation’  with my Mother at home, as I knew that I could be of a better help to her and would be where I wanted to be,  more than any thing else, back in the 1940 to 1950’s.

There was always work at home that my Mother would need to have done … and I was more able and  capable of doing than she, back then.

 I  knew that I would be cutting the grass and washing windows. 

Washing windows – an easy job for me, since the window sill was only about 5-foot from the ground (if I fell out), compared to the windows at the “Orphanage”…  which were  on he third floor of the building.

When sitting 3-stories high – in the window  sill – the window frame better be in good shape  –  or it could be   – “curtains”! 

Cutting the grass  – a job no one wants to do!

The equipment   – the type  of  ‘lawnmower’ you  would push back and forth  – so very many times –  in one spot – the blades must be sharpened with a good metal file  – this job does build up  ‘muscles’!

Everyone needs “muscles” and… is there a better way to build up the  “muscles”  and also… for FREE… just by doing your fare share of chores at home for your MOTHER, who… for all her life has always done so much for you!

Two weeks at home with my MOM, were just like I had taken an expensive trip to Florida or some similar vacation spot, the “SUN” works wonders… when you work…  in the great outdoors!

When I returned to the  ‘Orphanage’ – you would have thought… I had been in “Florida” – good tan and lots of outdoor exercise  – working on knees and hands – hand clippers –  you move around like a snail   –   received a  very good ‘Tan’ !

“Still Dong!”

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“Our Communications System was FREE, No Charge”

Tele Communications

In the  ’40s, we … each and everyone  of us “KIDS” had  one of the very best, and most reliable,  and also always in very good working order… our own highly reliable  and always  ready in a minute’s notice … private  “communications” system going!

As a  “kid” back then,  we got up early, dressed and ready to play and  or work… and work for me… (work was having to help my younger  brothers get ready).

Way before, I  could even get outside, I could hear; “Oooh Mary Ellen… can you come out and play,  Today?”

This was repeated and  in such a  long … slow sing/song  and highly  dragged out  repetition, by my friend,  “Alice”, standing out and on the sidewalk, in front of our  house. 

My Mother  would tell me… to kindly let “Alice” know that I would be out soon!

Alice lived across the street and way down, almost at he end of our block… could have been called  a whole block away, walking  to my house, and  always “barefoot”  and my Mother would never let me go “barefoot” … no matter how many times, that I would ask?

Finally when when I get outside, we  had a plan to meet with other kids… that we knew,  that would  also want to go around the neighborhood, and we would tell each other where and what we heard … that was going on… as there was always something important  for KIDS to get involved in doing for the  WWII  collections  of paper and metal,  because  we wanted  to do our part, in AMERICA helping to end the WAR!

Seems to me… that TIME  would move very slowly, day light lasted so long,  as  we were able to walk  more than a couple more blocks as  the both of us… will  start calling, more friends, walking and walking   just until enough of our  friends are together  and are  all gather to play, and are we all start working on a project.

How do you like our, “communication system”,  when we “call you” … everybody on the block knows “us” and “you” and what we are going to do, and where we will be!

Now, if your “parents” do not like your “friends”…  there is no secret telephone calls… gong on of which …  that they can not see and hear all of t your plans.

Back in that day … not every home in America had a “Telephone” … so,  those conversations,  that your  kids were making were broadcasted from the sidewalk in front of your house… through all the walls  of your home and through the walls to all of surrounding houses in the nearby  homes and to who ever has “EARS to HEAR” …  they all…will know and or have some good idea of those plans for  the day…

Now… it is clear… clear as “DAY” to your parents, as to what you will or will not…  be doing  today.

“YOUR PARENTS”… will howler out the window to your friends… that you  have other plans …you can not…  go out today? 

  Let me “tele” you something that, you may not know…

“we grew up…  with all of that fresh air, walking miles… in the great out doors, and  also…  we were  so healthy …   as to  being able to walk  for miles … attaining  “A #1” exercise.”

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“Can YOU Pledge To Take Someone Fishing”

Fishing with “DAD”

Lee-Kids 001Fishing with  Dad in Florida!   “Dad’s  birthday is coming up,  August 1st.”

Family Fun is the name of the game!

It was very good for  “Lee Sr.”  to have  taken the time to take his boys fishing  –  the time spent  with the family when the kids are young is remembered    –   “forever.”

It was maybe only  three (3) more years  when Lee had a heart attack and did not survive.  

That is why I believe that  “One” should make the best of the time  “One”  has   –  so the survivors  will always be able to enjoy the good memories  – as they were made… each and every day!

I   would  like for everybody to remember   Lee Sr.’s   birthday because he was such a good  and wonderful  “Father”  and his memory will last forever with all of us!

When we were living  in Fort Lauderdale, Florida – sometimes we  would all go somewhere and try our hand at “FISHING” – this is something that “boys like to do”   and I was along for the ride – the “guy” … that takes the PHOTOS – and has something  ready to eat,   for everyone – and  then will clean up afterwards –  just the correct morale support to keep the “rain” away,  and the good fishing, going  in a  very good and quiet time – 

What a wonderful job,  just  exactly made  for me to do – and even to like doing it – just for  the FUN!

L to R – – – Lee, Jr., and Lee, Sr., and  youngster  little AL,  keeping his eye on “ME” wondering around – not talking – as that would scare the fish away – if they are even out there – waiting for their dinner – so that we could maybe catch them – and then,  have them for our dinner!

“What a game… that, we all play – while we are thinking,  that we are  all having lots of FUN!”



“Did you read the sign on our door?’

 “We plan on being down at the old  “Farmer’s Fishing Hole” – and we will not be back home – until we get every fish  – willing to take a bite on my line!”

“That’s my big brother  “LEE” on my left – looks like he sees some fish coming in near this pier – so if, we are really quiet  – just maybe,  we will be doing what we are suppose to do – and that is to catch some fish!”

“I think that I heard “MOM” say as we were leaving   home — “Don’t come back , until you caught  enough fish for me  to fry  – for our dinner  – as we  each  would like a whole  fish, tonight!”

“I was beginning to wonder if anybody along the bank,  has had any “LUCK”  catching fish – as I sure didn’t hear any excitement???”  

“I am sure that  –  I would have heard some kind of a commotion as they pulled the poor fish in – and then had to put more bait on their pole??”  

“The other thing, that I was thinking about – -was,   what kind of bait are they using and is it fresh  – and or do they know what they are doing?”

“As you can see –  I am the  small fry of the Aldrich’s family, and  that  we all are trying to catch a good size fish – at least something for my supper –

Sure do not want to hear  anything about…  that, “I did not do my part”?”  

“Sometimes… when we do not have good “LUCK” catching fish – my “DAD” will stop by his restaurant, and get us enough fish – and then “MOM” does not have to cook a big meal – we all can just  help to set the table, and enjoy a big fish dinner –

and more than likely “MOM” will surprise us…  with one of her favorite desserts!”

“Everybody just loves the desserts that my  “MOM” makes – 

 she always does such a terrific job!”


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“YOU too, Will be a SENIOR CITIZEN”

Fun Working with “Seniors”

When I came  to St. Louis, this time, our family planned to move back… 

with ME doing the house hunting… looking  for a house to buy, with  the help of my, Aunt Irene.

 On my driving trip and for company while driving,   also brought two children with me,  from Florida.

While we were up here, my husband, Lee was  still in Florida,  getting our tings ready for the Movers to bring up and  deliver to the house that… I was looking to find and buy, just as fast as I could, and…  at the same time… also looking to find a place to work… as soon as possible!

So…  and as the usual thing to do… when staying with someone…I did  decide to help out our Aunt Irene,  with the extra work, as with the two children  along  and in need of extra care and clean up  work… as we were   lucky … maybe only staying a couple  weeks,  our clothes were getting dirty  and I felt…  that I should  do the laundry as usual and  just like I did in  Florida.


As old as Aunt Irene was … there was no changing her in her laundry equipment.

She was still using a ringer-washing machine, and for just herself, sent somethings out to the Cleaners,  and then some things… she would hand wash….very carefully.

I was using a new  Kenmar  Wash Machine  in Florida, but… the best part of living  in Florida…  I did enjoy always  hanging the wash out on the lines.

Clothes hanging  outside on the lines, are given  just a little  something extra special…  in  their hanging out on those lines , especially  in the  “Florida Sunshine.” 

So…  I had to put up some lines between the trees  and carry out basket after basket  of  wet clothes  –   just as fast as  I could … coordinate the  wash-machine with wash  and rinse cycles,  and  also using  the “ringer” very  carefully,  so… as not… to catch my arm in it  –   and so… I was as busy… and  as busy as one could ever be!

It was fun for me  and in the between  running in and outside…  we all sat outside in the yard…  watching the  clothes wave  and blow in the wind.

The  sunshine was better and the clothes  seem to dry faster in Florida. 

It may seem silly   –   but, that is one of the  things, that  I do enjoy doing  –   hanging the wash outside  and on the lines for the freshness and so much easier to fold sheets and pillow cases. 

To put the folded linens away after being in the Sunshine   –  gives the linen closet  a much fresher smell, and when finally used on the beds  –  helps  you to get  that… much  better nights’ sleep!

That was a real good time for all of us… to be under one roof  – together. 

Working  and having fun means a lot  to “senior citizens”  –  and I do  know that our  Aunt Irene  was enjoying herself… as much as I  did.

I know this, because… I now am a senior  citizen and now the shoe is on the other foot!

Have fun … all the  “LIVE LONG DAY”… while  YOU… are working with the “senior citizens”    in your family!

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“Do YOU Always NEED, that LAST word”

Listen to really Learn!

Just happened to be looking at some old pictures and  also reading some old  -1940-mail, seems to  really  bring forward some  real good old and almost forgotten  memories of  where you were and… what you were doing and  you can almost…  remember what was said.

When I was younger and  living in the “Orphan Home”  –   if you  ever learned anything at all  –  it was to keep your  big mouth shut…  when that  “NUN” was addressing you and especially   when  she is correcting you!  

Naturally,  you would want to  “mouth off”   –  but if you did   – you were then in trouble with most of the “NUNS”  and you  were no longer going on any outings or attending any special events! 

I figured that out early and  my mouth was zipped shut,  when a “NUN” was within hearing distance.

I just did not want  to receive any of the same type of  punishment  like  some of the other  kids received. 

Their “PAIN”   and punishment… taught me,  some very strong … “LESSONS!”

So,   after years  of silence,  when I was on my own, and this was  many years later  – I guess I had all the silence I could take and  I noticed that when my Aunt Irene was around   –  she would ask me something,   but she did not really want an answer.  

This was something I could not figure out?   

Why in the world … would you, ask or tell someone, in such a way or some nonsensical way…   in a complete nonsense way that   –  the person listening … would if they  could … come up  with some kind of  a  response?

 Nothing is ever settled  correctly, if  only  one person can say  and … or give  “orders”   when,  some times, so much  more information is required.  “Like an answer or even a question?”

One such occasion took place at Aunt Irene’s  home  –   we were in her bedroom, she had some clothes she was giving  to me   –  and wanted me to try  them  on to be sure they all  fit?

She was  asking and telling me something and I was questioning her back? 

This was something she maybe did not  receive  from any body,  else?  

I guess  she thought I would  just  say  “OKAY”  to everything   and not put in my “two-cents” worth?

The black suit she was giving  to me  –  was the problem?   I made a few comments and asked a few questions, and she would say something and I had more  to say and this she did not like.

“You always have to have the last word”   is what Aunt Irene said to me!

Well,   naturally, I had to say,  “NO!” 

 “See you did it again!” 

This went on  for awhile and of course,  I  finally decided  to say nothing , and just  let her… have  what she wanted  “the last word!”  

I   do not bother to give my opinion on  everything   and anything. 

If someone really wants my opinion… they almost have to beat it out of me, I have since figured out   –  that there are just too many people who  just have to have the  very last word  –  otherwise they just  are not as important as they think they are?

Zip it and listen   –  you learn so much more by keeping your month “shut!”

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